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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 22.3.24

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Busy, busy, busy! We have covered so many areas of learning and you have smashed them all. Well done Year 6. Your dedication is impressive.

In Maths this week we completed our percentages unit. We have enjoyed our Daily 10 arithmetic and time on TT Rock Stars.

We have been busy this week preparing our Class Worship which we enjoyed sharing with you. Thank you for supporting us. We have also begun to think about our Easter Service and have been able to fit in a run through of it too. Brill job Year 6.

We have immersed ourselves into our new text in English and worked on answering comprehension questions about the example text. We will continue with this next week and into our new term.

We have continued to look at poetry in our Book Club sessions. We have analysed new vocabulary and thought about the style of each poem.

We have enjoyed two PE lessons.

In Music this week we worked in our groups to role play the scenarios we had chosen and beatbox the sounds. We edited these as we went.

We enjoyed two Computing lessons this week using Google sheets as we work our way through our data inputting unit.

We enjoyed our Art lesson this week as we put our final touches to our printing background. We will continue with this piece next week.

We have enjoyed Wellbeing time and a PSHE lesson discussing the statement – "Don't Hold onto What's Wrong. We also welcomed PC Nick into class. He talked to us about the importance of road safety. We found hazards that we could encounter when near roads and decided that being on phones is a hazard too.

We loved spending time with our favourite buddies and we ended our week by taking part in Comic Relief.

Please note that new homework has been set on maths.co.uk to be completed by Thursday 28th March 2024.
Have a great weekend.
Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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