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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week

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A jam-packed week of learning has taken place in Year 6, we haven't had a moment to spare! I am so proud of each and every one of you.

We have worked so hard in maths this week as we tackled different decimals from converting them to fractions to multiplying and dividing. We have completed many different types of starter questions, and we are slowly working our way through SATs style reasoning questions. We have enjoyed our Friday time on TT Rock Stars and Daily 10. Well done Year 6 you are all stars.

In English this week we completed our explanation plan and write. We have worked hard to incorporate our writer's knowledge and have completed our final edit.

In Book Club this week we have begun to read poems written by Charles Darwin's great, great-granddaughter. We are using these poems to consider the setting and characters in each one. We have considered rich vocabulary and used our inference skills to answer our anchor questions. I am so impressed with your detailed answers. Well done.

Our afternoons have been filled with many different subject areas. I can't believe how much learning we are able to pack in. You are amazing Year 6.

We have enjoyed Science, PE, Music, Courageous Advocacy, Art, RE, PSHE, Wellbeing and Computing. We have also celebrated World Book Day and enjoyed a workshop with Michael Rosen.

Our daily mile track time was shared with our buddies and we then ended our week with time on Fort Lewis.

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.
Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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