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Year 6 News of the Week – 18.11.22

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Another brilliant week Y6. Your determination to do your best is just amazing to see and I am very proud of you.

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week and in Y6 we have thought about this in different ways. We have shared a PSHE lesson to think about this term in more detail. We read a friendship book and discussed the story and the message behind it. Y6 think that you should be proud of who you are and how right they are. Great message Y6.

Our crumpled heart activity was our second task and we used this to highlight how unkind words and actions remain in someone's heart. The paper was crumpled more and more as we discussed hurtful words and actions and then we tried to smooth out our pieces of paper to represent the word sorry. We all realised that the paper could not look like the original piece, and this was a good symbol to represent how someone would feel.

In our Maths lessons this week we have continued to work with fractions. We have used factors to simplify and multiples to find equivalent fractions. We have used this knowledge to then add and subtract unit fractions and mixed numbers. Our concentration has focused our learning on the methods needed to be successful and we will continue on our fraction journey next week. We ended our week with an arithmetic paper.

In English this week we have used my model text to help us to write our own shared write. We have thought carefully about our targets and used our shared box up and toolkit to support our pieces. I have now marked all our writing and have loved reading them all. We will now go on to edit and then plan for our hot write. Spag.com homework has been set.

During Book Club this week we have continued to read with an adult and we have completed suffix spellings too.

Our My Happy Minds lesson this week was all about role play. We chose a strength to share with our class and acted this out.

We have enjoyed many different afternoon lessons. We designed our poppies in DT and have taken part in two PE lessons. We have also continued to learn about electricity in science thinking about symbols when drawing electrical circuits. Our computing project on Alan Turing is coming along as we plan and discuss our ideas. We have used Digimaps in geography, focusing on our local area. Our WW2 songs are sounding super as we prepare for our theme day. 

We have continued with our incarnation unit and role played the annunciation. We all took on different parts to freeze frame the important message in this part of the Bible.

I have been chatting to my children about our afternoon tea. Please could you let me know if your child has great-grandparents or grandparents coming along as we are now wanting to confirm numbers.

Well done to our footballers for taking part in your recent competition and to Emily for being a journalist and writing a sport's review. I know how much you all enjoyed your time at Crewe Alexandra's training ground.

We have shared many bingo board activities. Thank you for all your support. I am now going to reserve a little time on a Friday to share these as we move through the term.

We ended our week with a visit to our favourite buddies. We hope they have a lovely weekend and I hope you have a wonderful weekend too.

Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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