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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 12.1.24

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Welcome back to you all. It has been lovely to have everyone back in Year 6 and I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break.

Our new topic, Stone, Bronze and Iron Age has been in full swing this week. We were all very excited to begin our new learning. Our first task was to look carefully at one of our class texts, Wolf Brother, and consider who the characters may be and what kind of story we would be listening to. We thought about when our planet was a super continent and in teams tried to consider the stages.

Being introduced to the term prehistory enabled our class to think about this time in history and how we can know so much about it. Big art is always a fun way to deliver the first steps of new learning and we began our topic learning about cave art and the Lascaux Caves in France. We looked carefully at different cave pictures and even sketched our own. We will now begin to use willow charcoal to create replica cave art and create a piece of our own cave with Modroc. We will continue with our big art next week.

In Maths this week, we began a new unit – Measurement. We have used conversion tables to move between units and also to convert between miles and kilometres. We will complete this unit next week. We have completed an arithmetic paper and played on TT Rock Stars too.

In our book club sessions we have begun to learn about the early life of Charles Darwin. We have also had time to change our reading books and we have enjoyed the beginning of our class story. Could I also ask for regular reading to take place as often as possible and I will support this further in class.

Our new unit in English has also begun this week. We have delved into the life of an explorer and used our hooks to predict the text. We have also written spine poems and a setting description. We have recapped relative pronouns and clauses and also focused on our handwriting.

We have completed last term's Science and RE units this week. In Science we made our periscopes and tested them out on our school community. I RE we completed our final candle of the Advent wreath and summed up our learning in our Questful Maps.

Our first Forest Schools session took place this week and what a fantastic time we all had. We are covering our history unit – Stone, Bronze and Iron Age in our Forest Schools sessions.

We have enjoyed two PE lessons this week.

I am so proud of you all and how well you have settled back into Year 6 learning. I have enjoyed listening to you chat together, giggle together and play together and can't believe that we have only been back in class for three days!

I have set a new piece of maths.co.uk homework for this week. I am also encouraging my class to keep up with their home reading to increase their speed.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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