A very busy and productive week in Year 6 with many subjects covered. You are working so hard Year 6, and I think you are all superstars.
In Maths this week we have needed our resilience and patience as we continued to work with fractions. We have moved on to multiplying fractions by whole numbers and fractions by fractions. We used rectangular and squared paper to understand how the fraction part is always smaller. We have also begun to understand dividing fractions and will continue with this next week. We have also completed an arithmetic paper applying our fraction skills and we have enjoyed iPad time this morning practising our times tables. Wow, what a lot of new learning. I am so impressed Year 6.
In English this week we have begun a new unit based on the book Story Like the Wind by Gill Lewis. We began by looking at different key items from the story and predicting what we thought it may be about. We have used illustrations to build vocabulary and to write an onomatopoeia poem and a setting description. We have sailed a stormy sea on a small boat (otherwise known as masking tape on the carpet) and created percussion music to help us to think about how we would feel if we were a character in the book. Next week we will begin to analyse this text and investigate the writer's knowledge.
We have focused on the Boy in Striped pyjamas this week in book club and used this book to compare characters and settings. We have also begun to read with an adult.
Our afternoons have been just as busy as our morning sessions. We have enjoyed many different lessons. In Computing this week, we thought about the question, "How would you layout your webpage?" We looked at the different layout features available in Google Sites and planned our own web page on paper.
We enjoyed another science lesson on light. We have used mirrors to think about light travelling in straight lines as we investigated mirrored writing. We know how light bounces off an object and travels to our eyes for us to see. We created our own secret messages or wrote our names to decipher.
In Art this week we used our sculptures to add light and dark and to develop features. We used mark making illustrations from Oliver Twist to think about our animals and to add collage. We are loving this unit and we will continue with this next week.
In RE this week, we learnt about the meaning of the advent wreath. We watched a video to think about what each candle represents and symbolises. We are now in the process of making our own to embed our learning. They are beginning to take shape nicely.
Our Geography unit continued this week as we thought about our planet and how we can look after it. We joined POP (protecting our planet) 23 on Thursday. We joined experts and leading researchers who are passionate people working to protect our planet from here on Earth and from space. The webinars gave us an insight into the world of ice. We also used some of our iPad time to research different renewable energies and to build our knowledge.
We have taken part in two PE lessons. Thank you to Mrs Whittingham and James from Kick.
We have also enjoyed spending time with our buddies. We joined them in their classroom to avoid a wet day and read stories. Have a wonderful weekend buddies.
We have perfected our WW2 songs and dances this week with Miss Holland and we are now ready to share them with you. We can't wait to present our WW2 afternoon tea party on Monday and perform for our visitors. Please bring in your food contributions on Monday morning and we will see you all at 2pm. We are very excited.
Have a great weekend.
Your teacher.
Mrs B.
01270 841302
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