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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 17.11.23

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Another brilliant week Year 6. Your determination to do your best is just amazing to see and I am very proud of you.

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week and in Year 6 we have thought about this in many different ways. We have taken part in a worship and shared a PSHE lesson to think about this term in more detail. We have read two different celebrating differences books and discussed the stories and the messages behind each book. We have also completed a walking in the shoes of others activity to celebrate our differences even further. Year 6 think that you should be proud of who you are and how right they are. Great message Year 6.

In our Maths lessons this week we have shared our lesson time competing in TT Rock Stars Battle England and we have also continued to work with fractions. We have practised turning mixed numbers into improper fractions and vice-versa. We have used this knowledge to then add and subtract mixed numbered fractions. Our concentration has focused our learning on the methods needed to be successful and we will continue on our fraction journey next week. We ended our week with an arithmetic paper.

In English this week we have planned our Anne Frank bravery speeches thinking about the writers knowledge. We have used some of our sentence accuracy work to support our ideas. We are now partway through our speeches and we will complete them next week. Spagtastic homework has been set.

During Book Club this week we have investigated the Secret Annex of Anne Frank. We have used different pieces of text to draw each part of the annex and used our anchor questions to add captions.

We have completed a Wellbeing lesson this week and we have we have chosen a different method to discuss.

We have enjoyed many different afternoon lessons. We have chosen our flat yet sculptural images in art and created a grid ready to scale up to a larger sculpture. We have thought about negative and positive space too.

We have taken part in two PE lessons and we have continued to learn our WW2 songs and dances in preparation for our WW2 Theme Day.

We have also begun to learn about light in science and considered the question – does light travel in straight lines?

We have enjoyed coding during computing and we have thought about minerals in geography. We have also begun a new French lesson on parts of the body and how they move.

We have completed our pilgrimage posters which ends our RE unit from last term. They look wonderful.

We have enjoyed spending time with our favourite buddies as we took to the daily mile track on a windy afternoon which was great fun. We hope they have a lovely weekend and I hope you have a wonderful weekend Year 6.

Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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