We have had a busy week in Year 6 and worked so hard. Well done Year 6 you have nearly completed your first half term in my class.
This week in Maths we completed our unit on multiplication and division. We have completed our focus on long multiplication and long division using the pull-down method. We discussed the ways we prefer to calculate long division and have chosen between factoring,, short and long division using the formal methods. Next week we will complete this unit ready for our half term break. Homework has been set to consolidate our learning. Great work Year 6.
We have been busy planning and writing our first drafts of our diary writes. Rose Blanche has been our stimulus, and we will continue with this unit in English next week.
We have completed our WW2 information texts in book club this week and we have now moved on to learning about Anne Frank using different diary entries. We have focused on an entry which is written as her dad receives a call-up notice. We have picked out different parts of the text that tells us what life was like for the Frank family before moving into hiding. We will continue with this text after half term. We are very interested in Year 6 about her story.
We have enjoyed listening to our class story this week. Goodnight Mr Tom is a firm favourite and generates lots of class discussion.
In History this week, we began by watching a short video sharing the memories of Betty a lady who was evacuated as a child to the countryside. We then went on to use two sources to compare the recounts of two very different experiences.
In DT we have continued to practise our stitching using our pieces of Binka. We will shortly be transferring these skills to our poppy made from felt.
In RE this week, we discussed the term pilgrimage and what this means if you are a Christian. We watched a video sharing different journeys of pilgrimage and then used our computing time to research our own choices.
During our music lesson this week, we have used the Launchpad App to create and remix music.
This week we have been thought about our Fruits of the Spirit and chose peace to share with you in our class worship. We listened to a story called The Three Little Trees and thought about Jesus and how he found peace during these times in his life. We then considered what peace means to us and how we show this in our lives. Thank you for coming and supporting our message and we hope you enjoyed our service. Our singing was so moving I'm sure you will agree. Year 6 you are simply amazing.
In wellbeing this week, we thought about the things that make us smile. We talked about the different ways we could use to settle our minds if we are feeling overwhelmed and we chatted about the times when we may use them.
This week we have enjoyed two PE lessons one with Kick and our second with Mrs Whittingham.
In our HeartSmart (PSHE) lesson this week, we discussed the word commitment. We thought about different scenarios and how difficult it can be to always commit yourself.
New homework has been set. I have set a new Maths.co.uk task along with Reading and TT Rock stars.
We ended our week spending time with our buddies. A muddy field meant our fun was moved to the hall this week. We read stories to our buddies and enjoyed being role models.
A brilliant week Year 6.
Have a fab weekend.
Your teacher.
Mrs B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street