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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 29.9.23

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Year 6, you impress me every day and this week you have worked so hard. You have achieved so many things and I am very proud of you.

This week in Maths we focused on recognising common factors and common multiples along with prime numbers and rules of divisibility. We have thought about identifying prime numbers using divisibility and we know that a prime number only has 2 factors. We have spent time playing on TT Rock Stars to brush up on our times tables.

In English this week we have recapped our understanding of modal verbs and used these in different sentences. We have used freeze frames to discuss how characters feel and we have used this language to write a short diary piece. We have been busy thinking about synonyms and added both modal verbs and synonyms to our SpaG books to help us. Spagtastic homework has been set with synonyms in mind. Well done Year 6 you have worked hard.

We have continued in Book club this week with a WW2 focus. We have used a brilliant non-fiction DK book to explore new vocabulary and to think about skimming and scanning text. With have used these skills to answer comprehension questions and in turn to answer our anchor questions. We have also enjoyed more of our class story, Goodnight Mr Tom and enjoyed a snippet from the film too.

In Science this week we have built circuits and then used symbols to draw them carefully. We have created simple, series and parallel circuits which was great fun.

We have used our computing time this week to look through powerful photos of the Blitz on the Imperial War Museum site. We considered what surprised us and discussed this as a team. We then chose different cities of interest to investigate the Blitz around the country. We thought about different enquiry questions: Why were your chosen cities targeted? What do you think Hitler was trying to do? What impact did this have on the people of the city? What a fab job you did Year 6.

In RE today, we continued to think about our journeys through life and what we would pack in a suitcase as we travelled on it. We the joined Bishop Phillip as he explained his journey as a Christian. We are now looking at Bible stories to think about the morals of them.

In Computing this week, we used Google slides to think about how information is sent across different locations. We partnered up and placed ourselves in different countries (tables in the classroom). We used the Chat option to enjoy conversations around the globe (our classroom).

Our French continued this week as we added conversation to our knowledge of transport. We can now pick out many modes of transport in French.

We have designed our textile poppy in DT this week. We have looked at different stitches to add them to our designs. Next week we will be practising them using Binka.

We have completed a second history lesson this week which was a research project that is now well underway. We have chosen our projects and begun to gather important information. We have used videos and factfiles to support our research.

Kick continued this week and we have also taken part in the daily mile. Mrs Whittingham taught our second PE lesson and continued with football skills.

We have enjoyed singing our harvest songs this week during our music lesson as we came together with KS2.

We ended our week spending time with our reception buddies. We were all so excited to meet them all again and enjoyed time on the daily mile.

I have set a new SpaG task and Reading and TT Rock stars are also top of the homework list.

You have all been so busy this week and you definitely need your weekend break. I hope you have a fabulous weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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