Y6, you impress me every day and this week you have worked so hard. You have achieved so many things and I am very proud of you.
In Maths this week, we have completed our short and long multiplication tasks and begun to work with division. We have discovered that resilience is definitely a word that we have needed as this concept can be challenging. We have used many different strategies and know that our times tables need to be on the tip of our tongues to support our learning. We have also discussed some parts of an arithmetic paper and shared our strategies.
In English, we have completed our shared writes using the first night of the Blitz. We focused on contractions, the first person and carefully chosen word classes to develop emotion. We edited our pieces to improve them, and we are now publishing them for our class display and our final Wybunbury Delves studywork books. You have produced some fantastic pieces Y6. Well done. We have also used our skills to improve our cold writes by adding in diary features.
We have continued in Book club this week with our read aloud books and concentrated on developing our comprehension skills. I have talked my children this week about ensuring these books are shared at home often, and therefore, regularly changed. We have also enjoyed more of our class story, Letters from the Lighthouse. The main characters are now being evacuated to Devon and are awaiting host families!
In SpaG this week, we have continued our focus on suffixes and if a root word changes when it is added. We have also looked at words from our Y5 and Y6 misconception words that all have double letters in them, like the word – committee!
We have enjoyed making periscopes in Science and will put the final changes to these next week. We thought about the rays of incidence and how to position our mirrors.
We are continuing to work on our tunnel books and we now have four frames ready to add images. We will work on this next week.
We have used our computing time this week to look through powerful photos of the Blitz on the Imperial War Museum site. We considered what surprised us and discussed this as a team. We then chose different cities of interest to investigate the Blitz around the country. We thought about different enquiry questions: Why were your chosen cities targeted? What do you think Hitler was trying to do? What impact did this have on the people of the city?
In RE today, we continued to think about our big question by using quotes from the Bible. We were introduced to three terms that Christians use to describe God – omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. We used these terms to find descriptions of God in the Bible and matched them to the verses. In partners, we discussed the verse and decided on a definition.
Sportscape continued this week and we have also taken part in the daily mile. Mrs Jenkins taught our second PE lesson and we have had the opportunity to take part in a short Taekwondo lesson.
We have delivered our Y6 worship today. We celebrated guardian angels and winners of the house teams. Well done to Blue House you earned over 600 marbles this week. That is impressive. Emily and Abi delivered a short message in worship about class reading challenges and what a good reading diary looks like. Well done Y6.
We ended our week spending time with our reception buddies. We were all so excited to meet them and loved our reading time in the hall.
I have set a new SpaG task and Reading and TT Rock stars are also top of the homework list.
You have all been so busy this week and you definitely need your weekend break. I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Your teacher,
Mrs B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street