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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 11.10.24

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We have had a busy week in Year 6 and worked so hard. I am impressed. Well done Year 6.

This week in maths we have completed our unit on multiplication and begun our division methods. We have used both factorising and short division formal methods and we have begun to investigate long division. Next week we will complete this unit. Homework has been set to consolidate our learning. Great work Year 6.

We have begun a new unit in our english lessons. We are continuing to use our Rose Blanche text to help us to write a formal speech noting her acts of bravery. We will continue with this unit next week.

We have completed our WW2 information texts in book club this week and we will now move on to learning all about Anne Frank using different diary entries. We are very interested in Year 6 to learn all about her story.

We have also enjoyed listening to our story this week. Goodnight Mr Tom is a firm favourite and generates lots of class discussion.

In art this week we continued to create our collage animal sculptures using light and dark. Next we will investigate turning them from 2d to 3d.

In RE this week, we used the Open Doors website to discuss the term persecution. We used this website to research different countries who were noted as being high in the persecution of Christians. We discussed and recorded our findings.

During our music lesson this week, we have worked hard on being in time when playing our recorders whilst reading the online sheet music. You are improving every week Year 6. Well done.

This week in science we used our circuit drawings from last week to ensure all the components were in the correct place to ensure a buzzer or light worked. We connected all the parts of our circuits, including push and simple switches to break them.

In wellbeing this week, we thought about the things that bug us. We talked about the different things that can upset us and we chatted about ways we could settle our thoughts and minds.

This week we have enjoyed two PE lessons with Kick and Mrs Whittingham.

In our HeartSmart (PSHE) lesson this week, we discussed the word commitment. We used this session to discuss our commitment to our buddies and what is working well and what we may need help to solve.

In our Courageous Advocacy lesson this week we thought about a change we would like to make in the world. We watched a video clip to see if anyone had similar ideas to us. We are definitely thinking about big ideas, and we will continue with our discussion next week.

We dedicated our computing and history lessons to Harvest practice this week. Many thanks for joining us at St Chads church to celebrate Harvest. We hope you enjoyed our service as much as we enjoyed presenting it to you.

We ended our week spending time with our favourite buddies. We enjoyed time on the daily mile track..

A brilliant week Year 6.
Have a fab weekend.
Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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