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C of E Primary School

Year 6 – Have a wonderful half term

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A super half term of learning Year 6. You have worked so hard in all areas, and I am so proud of you.

We have been busy working on our writing pieces this week and getting them ready to be graded. We have also completed our most recent piece – a balanced argument – and this is now ready to be edited and added to the ones we have already written in our publishing books.

We have enjoyed our PE lessons and our Music and French lessons. Unfortunately, our Sports Day was cancelled although we did manage to complete our field events. We have also enjoyed time with our buddies and completed our final computing lesson with them. Reception are now experts on the coding A.L.E.X. app. Well done to them all.

A huge well done to our Year 5 and Year 6 cricketers. I know you had a great time.

There is no set homework to complete, so enjoy your family time. Thank you for all your support and I hope you all have a wonderful break.

Your teacher.
Mrs. B.

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