A busy and productive week in Year 6. We are settling back into our learning and have covered many different aspects of our curriculum. Well done Year 6.
You are working hard on your arithmetic skills as soon as you come through our classroom door, and you can now complete many different calculations in ten minutes. Brilliant and a huge achievement. We have completed our measurement unit and we have now begun our ration and proportion unit. We ended our week completing our eighth arithmetic paper.
In English this week we continued with our discovery narrative. We have analysed our example text and thought about the writer's knowledge. We have worked hard on using formal speech to characterise Darwin. We have used our thesaurus skills to up level key vocabulary, and we will continue with this unit next week. Please note that Spagtastic homework has been set.
Our spelling lesson this week was our final unit on suffixes. Adding ed to words with a y ending.
Our book club sessions this week have been based on reading skills and dictionary work. We have all read with an adult and had an opportunity to change our books.
We began a new unit in RE this week. We are using this big question why do Christians celebrate the Eucharist, to find out about the Last Supper. Today we used different paintings and Bible passages to identify what we could see in our paintings.
In Science this week we began our new unit on Inheritance, Adaptation and Evolution. We used these three terms to discuss what we already knew. We will continue with this unit next week.
We have continued to think about Big Art this week as we used newspaper to begin a cave bases. We will now think about making our caves to transfer our artwork onto.
Our History unit continued this week with a focus on the Old Stone Age. A few of us used our Forest Schools session to think about small community shelters. We also used cutting tools to make carrot rope pegs. We finished our session with time around the fire roasting marshmallows. We will continue with our topic next week.
We have completed our Bikeability course which saw us venturing into the village on our bikes. We have now all received our certificates and new badges to wear with pride. Well done Year 6.
In Music this week we built on last week's learning. We read our sheet music and annotated the given notes. We will focus on 2 sheets per lesson and by the time we reach the end of half term we will hopefully be playing the whole piece through, accurately and in time. Fab work Year 6.
We began our HeartSmart unit "Too Much Selfie Isn't Healthy." This week we discussed what we think is better, to give or to get. We know we can give time, attention and gifts demonstrating we can care for and think of others.
In Computing this week we began a new unit on programming with variables. We used Scratch 3 to develop a project where different sprites achieved different scores.
PE with Kick has taken place this week.
We were joined this week by Steve from the Fire Service who discussed road safety. He presented different slides where a great discussion took place around different ways of keeping safe.
I don't think we could have fitted anything else into our wintry week and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Your teacher,
Mrs. B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street