What can I say Year 6... you have worked your socks off and I am extremely proud of you all!
Our week has been heavily focused on SATs preparations in all areas of our learning.
We completed our ratio and proportion unit in Maths and then turned our attention to geometry focusing on angles. We have measured angles, drawn angles and calculated angles on a straight line, around a point, within triangles and quadrilaterals. We know how to use a protractor accurately and we can name all angles too. We can also use known angle facts to find unknown angles. We have challenged ourselves to complete sample SATs papers and had time to revisit them too. We have been a very busy class.
Our English lessons this week have focused on grammar and punctuation. We have revisited apostrophes, relative pronouns and relative clauses. We have also completed past SATs SpaG papers and revisited the questions that caused us concern. New spag.com homework has been set to practice active and passive voice.
We set up our Y5 and Y6 classrooms this week to reflect the way they will look when we sit our assessments. We now know what to expect and how we will each have our own space to work in. We gave this a trial run by completing a reading practice paper using the space to navigate both papers which was extremely useful.
Our afternoon learning covered many different subjects from Geography to DT, from RE to PE and Music to PSHE. We completed our renewable energy posters in Geography and researched our parts of the adventure trail in DT. Our RE films are now all complete and we ended our unit by answering an assessment question. In Music we listened to a gospel piece of music called 'We Shall Overcome.' We learnt how this song became one of the most important protest songs in the fight for Civil Rights in America in the 1960s. Martin Luther King Jr recited the words to this song, and it was sung by over 50,000 people at his funeral in April 1968.
We have enjoyed time in the sunshine with our buddies today which is always such a treat. Our time we spend with our buddies is precious and something we never want to miss.
I hope you all have a wonderful bank holiday weekend.
Your teacher,
Mrs. B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street