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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week – 28.1.22

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A busy week in Y6 and you have all worked so hard. I am very proud of you.

We began our week in Maths by tackling different problems using fractions and decimals. We have worked hard to grasp different ways to convert between the two. We have used powers of 10, friendly fractions and the short division method to develop our knowledge. We have been introduced to decimal places and the term recurring decimals. Taking our time to build our confidence has helped everyone to feel some success which has been lovely to see. We have completed our first past SATs arithmetic paper today with success. What stars you all are.

In English this week we have used our toolkit and class targets to write a shared piece of text. We have thought carefully about the content of each paragraph and what our biographies on Charles Darwin should include. We have edited our work and we will now go on to use our learning in our hot writes. Spag.com homework has been set.

In Book Club this week we have read with an adult and changed our books. We have also enjoyed our class story.

Our spelling unit on adding suffixes to words ending in y has now been completed. We will show our learning in future pieces of writing.

Our history unit continued this week with a focus on the Old Stone Age. After watching a short documentary, we thought about the different developments throughout the Palaeolithic times and created a comic strip to show our learning. We will continue with our topic next week.

In Science we continued our unit on Inheritance, Adaptation and Evolution. This week we focused on adaptation. We discussed different habitats and the different animals that lived within them. We considered the different ways an animal adapts to its environment from communication to camouflage. We came across some interesting animals and then went on to create our own new species. We were given a habitat to consider and then used different features of different animals to create our own. I have to say the creations are amazing. We labelled our creations to ensure the reader could identify each part.

We have enjoyed another Forest Schools session with Mr Hadfield this week. We began with a book called Sone Age Boy which helped us to think about stone age villages. We then went on to make our own miniature villages. We also looked at flint tools and we were introduced to the term flint napping. We finished our session off with archery. Sam B and Amelia scored an amazing 29 out 30 points!

In PSHE this week we discussed how our fingerprints are unique and are a way of telling us apart. Significant events and significant people also help us to be unique, and so are our life stories so far. We showed this by drawing round our hand and writing on what makes us unique.

We have taken part in two PE sessions this week.

We ended our week spending our Friday wellbeing session with the lovely Receptions. It was their theme day today and they joined us on the track dressed as traditional characters! They all looked amazing, and we know they loved their day. Thankyou Reception for sharing some of your day with us.

Maisie K received her certificate from the Houses of Parliament this week celebrating her Christmas card entry making it into the final selection. We are proud of you Maisie. Well done.

I am proud of you all and I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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