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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week – 21.10.22

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And half term is upon us! Where does the time go? Year 6 you have been an absolute joy to be with. You have worked hard and applied all your energy to my tasks and what fantastic results you have achieved. You ended your success with our class worship and shared your message with your families. Well done. I am so proud of you.

This week in Maths we focused on recognising prime numbers and calculating squared and cubed numbers. We have thought about identifying prime numbers using divisibility and we know that a prime number only has 2 factors. We then moved onto orders of operations and understanding the use of brackets. We found this a challenge and we will begin next half term with a revisit.

Our English this week has been a week of shared writes and hot writes. We have taken each paragraph and carefully thought about our class targets. We have edited in the moment and up levelled our writing where we can. We finished our week with our hot write which I can't wait to read over half term. A brilliant half term of focus and determination. You are all stars.

We have tackled different anchor questions in our book club sessions this week. We have considered the feelings of Anne Frank by analysing different diary entries. We have enjoyed a daily read of our class story too.

We have put our final touches to our First Night of the Blitz tunnel books today. I will place them on our display and share a photo in our new term with you. They look absolutely brilliant.

Our Happy Minds lesson asked us to think about how we keep our brains healthy. We know that plenty of water, a good diet and fresh air are amongst the lists.

We have welcomed two visitors into class this week. PC Nick joined us to discuss the safety around bonfires and fireworks. We have also had an alcohol workshop delivered by a member of Change, Grow, Live. Year 6 you listened carefully and took part in group activities too.

We enjoyed our last ukulele lesson this week. We practised changing between chord C and chord F and reflected on our ukulele journey.

We have enjoyed two PE lessons this week.

Thank you for joining our first Year 6 class worship today. We loved sharing our courageous advocacy message about the Blue Cross charity. I am sure you will agree that my Year 6 children spoke beautifully and sang their hearts out. Thank you to Isaac for navigating through our slides.

In Year 6, we celebrated Black History Month by being introduced to Jesse Owens. Jesse Owens was from Alabama and was one of 10 siblings. He rose to fame as an impressive athlete but was judged because of his colour. Jesse Owens went on to challenge racism on the world stage at the 1936 Berlin Olympics and made new records to the annoyance of Adolf Hitler. This story inspired us to create our own artwork to celebrate his achievements.

We have shared many bingo tasks this half term and they are now all displayed in our classroom. They have been a great addition to our topic.

I have chatted to my children today to let them know that there will be no new homework set for Year 6 over half term. However, I would like anyone that has outstanding tasks to complete them please. I would like to thank you all for supporting your children during this term in completing all weekly homework. I have not set new homework as I think a well-earned break is deserved.

Year 6, what a super term we have all had. You have settled into Year 6 and have worked extremely hard. What a team we are. Have a wonderful half term, stay safe and enjoy your family time.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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