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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week – 7.6.24

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Welcome back Year 6 to your final half term at Wybunbury Delves. A half term that is jam-packed with projects, visits, transitions to your high schools and of course our leavers service.

We have begun a new unit in English this week. We have focused on characterisation and how the tags of speech can bring our pieces alive. We have up levelled our vocabulary by considering the context of our story – The Hunt. Our main Year 6 focus is to use speech to move the action on. We have used a story we know well to create our piece and have also published it in our posh writing books. Brilliant job Year 6.

We have focused our week on publishing our writing ready for our pieces to be shared. We have ensured our handwriting is at its best and we have showed off all our writing devices. I am so proud of every one of you and the effort you have put into this task.

We have enjoyed an RE lesson which has focused on other religions and how God features within them. We have recapped our knowledge on Islam to prepare to create a piece of artwork to share it.

We have also taken part in two PE lessons – one with Coach James and one with Mrs Whittingham.

We marked D-Day by taking part in a two-minute silence and sharing the flags we made with Miss Holland. We also spent some time reflecting on this moment in History and doing some of our own research.

We ended our busy week spending time in the sunshine with our buddies. We ventured into their garden and had a great time.

Well Year 6, after a very busy first week. I would just like to say that I am super proud of all that you have achieved. You have worked so hard and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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