And half term is upon us! Where does the time go? You have worked hard and applied all your energy to my tasks and what fantastic results you have achieved. I am so proud of you all.
This week in Maths we focused on long division and using different strategies to solve these calculations. We then moved onto orders of operations and understanding the use of BODMAS and brackets. We have now covered our Year 6 place value unit, our addition and subtraction unit and finally our multiplication and division unit. Wow! What a lot of learning. You have also completed your first arithmetic paper this week and played on TT Rock Stars. Brilliant job.
Our English this week has been a week of shared writes and hot writes. We have taken each paragraph and carefully thought about our class targets. We have edited in the moment and up levelled our writing where we can. A brilliant half term of focus and determination. You are all stars.
We have completed our WW2 information texts in book club and we have now moved on to learning about Anne Frank using different diary entries. We have focused on an entry which is written as her dad receives a call-up notice. We have picked out different parts of the text that tells us what life was like for the Frank family before having to move into hiding. We will continue with this text after half term. We are very interested in her story.
We have enjoyed listening to our story this week. Goodnight Mr Tom is a firm favourite and generates lots of class discussion.
We have welcomed PC Nick into class this week. He joined us to discuss the safety around bonfires and fireworks.
We have enjoyed two PE lessons again this week.
In Year 6 this week, we celebrated Black History Month by being introduced to Jesse Owens. Jesse Owens was from Alabama and was one of 10 siblings. He rose to fame as an impressive athlete but was judged because of his colour. Jesse Owens went on to challenge racism on the world stage at the 1936 Berlin Olympics and made new records to the annoyance of Adolf Hitler. This story inspired us to create our own artwork to celebrate his achievements.
We have enjoyed many other afternoon subjects this week. We have turned our 2d animals into 3d, we have created our own air raid shelters in our classroom, we have used google slides to think about how information is sent across different locations. We partnered up and placed ourselves in different countries (tables in the classroom). We used the Chat option to enjoy conversations around the globe (our classroom). We have also enjoyed a PSHE and Wellbeing lesson. We have thought about what Jerusalem means to a Christian in our RE lesson and we ended our science unit today with a light experiment and recorded our results for our assessment.
We ended our week with our usual Friday treat – time spent with our buddies. We split off into our different house colours and enjoyed our time together. Have a lovely half term Reception. Your very first half term in school completed. We are very proud of you.
I have received many different bingo board activities this half term. We have loved seeing all your creations. Thank you Year 6. There is still plenty of time over our next half term to add to our display.
I have chatted to my children today to let them know that there will be no new homework set for Year 6 over half term. However, I would like anyone that has outstanding tasks to complete them please. I would like to thank you all for supporting your children during this term in completing all weekly homework. A well-earned break is deserved.
Year 6, what a super term we have all had. You have settled into Year 6 and have worked extremely hard. What a team we are. Have a wonderful half term, stay safe and enjoy your family time.
Your teacher,
Mrs B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street