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C of E Primary School

Wow Year 6 You Smashed It! 17.5.24

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I am so proud of each and every one of you and you should be very proud of yourselves.

You settled so well each morning as you enjoyed our toast club run by Mrs Whittingham. Thank you. Your club helped us to begin our day in such a positive way.

You have completed all six assessments and you came out of each one with smiles on your faces. I know how hard you have worked, and you showed this off.

We have had plenty of downtime and enjoyed time outside and of course our trip to the park. We also enjoyed a morning playing games and watching a film and then ended with our hoodies being handed out. They look great.

We have squeezed in an RE lesson and we have also enjoyed two PE lessons and a music lesson. We have worked on our understanding of the circulatory system in Science. To understand how our blood passes through our heart twice we performed a role play thinking about the journey our blood takes. Wow Year 6! Great work!

It goes without saying that we have made sure our time with our buddies still went ahead. We supported our buddies in our computing time and ran our final workshop using the A.L.E.X. You are fantastic role models Year 6.

You deserve a well-earned rest and hopefully a weekend of sunshine Year 6. I am so proud of you all. Please note their is no new homework, just a chance to catchup if your are outstanding previous pieces.

Well done to you all.
Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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