Well Year 6, what an adventure you have been on!
We arrived at PGL Activity Centre on Wednesday just in time to enjoy our first meal in the canteen. We then settled into our dormitories and prepared for our first activity – canoeing. We ventured off to the waterside and waited to receive our waterproof jackets and buoyancy aids. We practiced using our paddles and then climbed onboard our canoes. What a fantastic time we had working as a team and trying to catch up with each other. Great fun had by all.
We made our way back to our dormitories to change into dry clothes and place our wet ones in the drying room. We were ready for a hot meal and then a little time to chill. Our evening activity was next – a class tournament where we played a series of team games to determine which team was the best. Brilliant fun and a great way to expend energy.
Then it was time to settle and get ready for bed! Our first night was a night of little sleep... but we all still managed to be up and ready for a 7.30am and breakfast at 8am.
Over the next two fantastic days, our groups enjoyed: abseiling, laser tag, giant swing, archery, the trapeze and rifle shooting. We also enjoyed balloon splash on our second evening activity. All activities were on the PGL site and amongst trees and stunning countryside. We visited the PGL tuck-shop to spend our pocket money and buy some keepsakes. All children have certainly been challenged and have definitely risen to the occasion. They are very proud of themselves and so are we. Well done Year 6.
All had a good night's sleep on our second night, thank goodness, and this gave us the energy this morning to pack up and strip our beds. We completed our morning activities before enjoying our lunch and walking down to meet our coach.
A big thank you to Mrs Whittingham who has left her own family to support me with Year 6 throughout this amazing trip. I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and get lots of rest ready for your penultimate week before the end of your spring term. I cannot believe Year 6 that you are coming into your last term at Wybunbury Delves. Just two more weeks to go and what a great way to end your term.
I have thoroughly enjoyed watching you all try different activities and I am very blessed to be your class teacher. Please enjoy all the photos sharing what a brilliant time we all had! I will add another post to share more photos.
Mrs. B. and Mrs Whittingham
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street