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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Year 6

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Welcome back to you all. You have settled straight back into your learning and completed a busy week. Well done Year 6.

In maths this week, we have worked on mental strategies to efficiently calculate answers quickly and accurately. We have now completed our final place value and four operations assessment ready to move onto our next unit which is fractions. We looked carefully at the vocabulary of our next unit and had a good look at finding equivalent fractions and simplifying them. We know times tables are very important and need to be on the tip of our tongues. We also need to remember how to use factors and multiples too. Remember five minutes practise on TT Rock Stars each night will support your learning.

In english this week we have begun a new piece of writing – a bravery speech. We were introduced to Irena Sendler and her acts of bravery as she smuggled out over 2500 Jews from the ghetto. We have also used our knowledge on Anne Frank and Rose Blanche to gather ideas for our own speech. We have investigated vocabulary and thought about word definitions. We have added to our SpaG books learning all about subject, verbs and objects in the active voice. Spagtastic homework reflects this learning. We will continue with this area next week. Brilliant work Year 6.

Our book club sessions this week have been time dedicated to supporting our buddies in their New Starters service. We delivered our words, sang songs and watched our favourite buddies enter our Wybunbury school community. I am so proud of you Year 6; you are great role models.

In computing this week, we thought about communications and how using the internet needs a set of protocols. We used all our platform knowledge to think about different scenarios. We finished our lesson with a game on Blooket.

I just want to say how amazing your poppies are. We have finished the final products and we will wear them with pride. Our final job is to evaluate them against our initial design. I'm sure you will agree from the photos that they are just brilliant.

We continued to think about pilgrimage journeys in RE this week as we considered the question; what does Jerusalem mean to a Jewish person. We watched a short video following the journey a young girl takes to visit the Wailing Wall. She talked to us about the importance of the wall and how she had words written down to post into it. Our lesson took a different turn as we talked about how Jerusalem is in Israel and how there is currently a war taking place. Children located Gaza on a world map and shared some of their own knowledge.

Our new unit in geography began this week as we thought about the question: are we damaging our world? We considered some new vocabulary and then went on to watch a short David Attenborough programme from 2009. We will compare our thoughts next week as we watch another short programme, this time dated ten years later.

We began a new art unit this week; making 2d art into 3d sculptures. We are focusing on an artist called Labaina Himid who creates large sculptures using black culture. Today we were introduced to a piece of her artwork and learnt a little about her journey.

Our Wellbeing focus this week was on activities we enjoy and colour that is calming to us. We added to our journals.

We have taken part in two PE sessions this week.

In Music this week we have begun to think about our Theme Day as we llistened and learnt WW2 songs. We are also learning to dance in the style of the 1940's.

New homework has been set. This includes: Spagtastic online, TT Rock Stars and regular reading aloud with an adult.

Another amazing week of learning Year 6. You are all stars and are dedicated role models. I am proud of you all.

Have a wonderful weekend

Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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