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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Y6 7.1.22

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Welcome back to you all. It has been lovely to have everyone back in Year 6 and I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break.

Our new topic, Stone, Bronze and Iron Age has been in full swing this week. We were all very excited to begin our new learning. Our first task was to look carefully at one of our class texts, Wolf Brother, and consider who the characters may be and what kind of story we would be listening to. We then created a world history timeline and placed this period of history in its correct position. We thought about when our planet was a super continent and in teams tried to recreate it.

Being introduced to the term prehistory enabled our class to think about this time in history and how we can know so much about it. Big art is always a fun way to deliver the first steps of new learning and we began our topic learning about cave art and the Lascaux and Peche Merle Caves in France. We used willow charcoal to create replica cave art and have also spent some time using Modroc to create a small piece of cave. We will continue with our big art next week.

In Maths this week we completed our fractions unit and checked our knowledge using an assessment. We worked through this assessment as a team and marked our work together. We also looked back at our end of autumn term assessments and completed a times table test. We will begin a new Geometry unit next week. We enjoyed our time today on TT Rock Stars and discussed the importance of practising as often as we can at home. New homework has been set which is a recap using the four operations.

In English this week we have begun to think about our new unit of writing – information text. We thought about the features of this piece of writing and the completed a cold write. We are ready to learn our story map next week.

We have all changed our reading books and enjoyed the beginning of our class story. Could I also ask for regular reading to take place as often as possible and I will support this further in class.

We began a new unit in RE this week. Our big question is – how does a belief in the Kingdom of God inspire and influence Christians across the world? We discussed the different words within the question and then considered what we think makes a perfect world. We will continue with our class discussions next week.

Our first Forest Schools session took place this week and what a fantastic time we all had. From den building to making nests, we thoroughly enjoyed our time outside learning new skills. The weather held out for us this week, although please ensure children do have layers to keep them warm.

Our PE lesson with Sportscape has taken place today. We enjoyed our dance lesson in the hall.

We came together with our buddies today during our wellbeing time. We enjoyed being in the fresh air and spending time on our daily mile track with our favourite friends.

We have talked about Bikeability today. We all know which group we are in and where we need to put our bikes and helmets on Monday morning. Children know to bring a small snack and to be sure to wear layers (including woolly hats and gloves) to keep warm.

I am so proud of you all and how well you have settled back into Y6 learning. I have enjoyed listening to you chat together, giggle together and play together and can't believe that we have only been back in class for three days! What a lot of learning we have completed!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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