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C of E Primary School

Year 5 Weekly News

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Happy Friday everybody.

It has been a very special week as we have been able to share our books with parents. You were beaming with pride and excitement when you were able to tell your parents all about your learning journey in Y5 so far. Thank you so much to everyone who was able to come.

For this week's daily maths lessons, we have been busy learning how to add and subtract mixed number fractions with different denominators. At first, it seemed like a complicated process, but we took it step by step. As we practised, our confidence grew. We will continue developing our knowledge next week.

In spellings this week, we have been learning how to change words ending with 'able' and 'ible' to worlds ending with 'ably' and 'ibly'. This meant we've been changing adjectives to adverbs. Isn't that clever!

In English, formal letter writing has been our focus as this was the week that we combined all our knowledge to do our 'big write'. We have used formal tone, language to appeal, parenthesis, fronted adverbials and modal verbs to craft heart felt letters from a father to a son. I am so proud of how hard you have all worked. Well done!

In our afternoons, we have been working hard to complete our big art project which has focused on crafting our Ancient Greek inspired pots! We painted on an orange background and then added black details! This week, we have also enjoyed history. We started our lesson by jotting down everything we know before moving onto finding out when in the past the Ancient Greek era was. Another main focus of our week has been Computing, and I am very pleased to say we have finished our 'How To Vidoes'. To finish them, we recorded the final few shots and then learnt how to add each clip into iMovie. Once inserted, we edited the clips and added effects! The finished products are looking great (and they're very informative). For music this week, we spent time learning how to tune the ukuleles. We used a tuned ukulele to compare our own pitches to. As we will be learning to play My Dog has Fleas, it is a great way of checking a ukulele is tuned. We then practised playing strings G, C, E and A. We started our new HeartSmart unit – 'Too Much Selfie Isn't Healthy!' Our first lesson made us think about caring for others, and how we can show love to others. Giving to others can be: a smile, a gift, giving time, giving attention or offering support to others. We also shared when we have cared for others since returning to school last week. Bible Reference – 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' Mark 12:31. To begin our new French unit, we drew up a list of types of transport that we know. We discussed how we get to school with our partners. We recapped Qu'est-ce que c'est? (What is this?). We then learnt a few modes of transport to reply with, 'C'est un/une...' We ran through our previous learning of masculine and feminine nouns.

in RE this week, we have continued learning about parables. In this week's lesson, our focus was the parable of the unforgiving servant and the parable of the widow's gift. We considered what these stories tell us about the teachings of Jesus and what it means to be a Christian.

Finally, for this week's homework, you have a new Spagtastic activity to completed.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Pennance

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