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C of E Primary School

Year 5 Weekly News 31.01.25

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Happy Friday, Year 5. We have had another fantastic week. I am so proud of how hard you have all worked and what you have all achieved.

In Math this week, we have continued learning about multiplication and division. We have focused on short division. We have learnt what to do when you cannot make equal groups (when a remainder is left), and how to tell if a question will have a remainder without even working it out. This meant we used rules of divisibility which are like magic.

In our English lessons, we have continued learning about narrative settings. Armed with our toolkit comprising of personification, parentheses, and expanded noun phrases, we have been crafting our stories. They have been lovely to read. You have certainly been painting a picture with your words. Well done, team. Also, I have been extremely pleased to see you have been trying hard to use joined up handwriting too!

This week, in Book Club, it was our comprehension week. We spent time exploring the importance of layout in non-fiction texts. We discovered how things like headings, bullet points, and pictures are put there to not only share information but to keep us interested too. You all did such a brilliant job spotting how these features help us get into the information!

In our afternoon lessons, we have been busy with RE, French, Music, PE, HeartSmart, Computing, Science, History and French. Gosh, we have been busy again.

On Monday it was time for RE and French. For RE, we continued to learn about the lessons that Jesus teaches us in the bible. This time, we focused on the beatitudes. These are the words of wisdom Jesus shared during his Sermon on the Mount. We thought about how these words are still helpful to us today. In French, we started a new unit called 'On The Move'. Firstly, we drew up a list of types of transport that we know and we discussed how we get to school with our partners. We recapped Qu'est-ce que c'est? (What is this?) and learnt a few modes of transport to reply with, 'C'est un/une...' We ran through our previous learning of masculine and feminine nouns.

On Tuesday, PE and Music were our focus. Your dodgeball lesson was about developing teamwork skills. This was achieved through playing various different games where the rules changed slightly to include players with special powers that made them more valuable to the team, and therefore a target for the opposing team. You had to work carefully, with effective forms of communication and teamwork to defend your most valuable players and figure out who to target on the opposing team (particularly when the valuable players were kept secret). You soon realised that communication was vital and that giving each other more specific roles within the team would increase the likelihood of a win. For music, you recapped your previously learnt notes before learning notes D and F. Using all of your learning, you played along to Old MacDonald had a Farm. At first, we were behind with our playing, but you continued practising and by the end of the lesson, you had increased in confidence. Through this song, you learnt about the pentatonic scale. You also managed to follow the notes for the song – Baby Shark. You know this song will be very tricky to play to, but we are ready for the challenge!

On Wednesday, Heartsmart and Computing kept us busy. In HeartSmart, we learnt about 'Great Groups'. We used the internet to find out why groups such as The Trussell Trust, The British Red Cross and The RLNI are important and what makes them great. This fit beautifully with the message: 'See that justice is done--help those who are oppressed, give orphans their rights, and defend widows' from Psalm 1:17. In Computing, I am very pleased to say we have finished our 'videos'. To finish them, we learnt how to add each clip into iMovie. Once inserted, we edited the clips and added effects such as soundtracks and transitions! We have all finished our projects and we are excited to start watching them next week.

For this week's Science lesson on Thursday, we discussed whether we thought the Earth was flat or spherical. We went outside to find evidence to support our theories and realised that based on what we could see, we could only prove that it was flat. This led us to talk about how scientists use the evidence they have available to support their theories, and we could understand why people may have thought the Earth was flat. We then discussed the different evidence that has been found to support that the Earth is a sphere and decided on the one that was most persuasive.

Finally, Art and History rounded off our week. In History, we've not only looked at the Greek alphabet but also talked about how it connects to the language we use today. Did you know that many of the letters we use in English have their roots in the Greek alphabet? It's true! This connection shows just how much influence the Greeks had on our language, culture, and even our thoughts! In Art, we learnt about typography, and we had a go at creating some letters ourselves.

I hope you have an amazing weekend,

Miss Pennance

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