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C of E Primary School

Year 5 Weekly News

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Hey everyone! Let's catch up on the fantastic things we've been up to this week.

We kicked off the week tackling missing number problems in Maths. This meant we have had to apply all the maths wisdom we have gathered during this unit. This lesson also marked the end of our addition and subtraction unit, paving the way for an exciting journey into multiplication and division. In our first lesson of this topic, we immersed ourselves in the world of multiples and began to learn some rules of divisibility. 

In English, our exploration of the vehicle text continued, setting the stage for our upcoming adventure in crafting a captivating setting narrative. We delved into examples, unravelling the secrets of compelling storytelling. Additionally, we embraced the intricacies of determiners, discovering their fascinating types and the role they play within a sentence, and in spellings this week, our spelling pattern revolved around words ending in 'able'.

This week's P.E. sessions were a delightful mix! We leaped into gymnastics, discovering various roles (such as the log role, the forward role and the pencil role) and choreographing routines using these techniques with our partners. The second session was a deep dive into hockey, mastering the Indian dribble and the push pass.

In French, we learned the French names for different shops and buildings you'd find in a bustling town or city. We had a go a pronouncing these words and were able list the names of buildings you might find in Nantwich or Wybunbury.

Our focus in computing was E-Safety, prompting reflections on what makes a media choice truly good. Considering the type, timing, and duration of media access led to some thought-provoking discussions on our media habits.

In R.E., our journey into the significance of holy texts in various faiths continued, with a spotlight on Islam. We gathered our knowledge before taking a closer look at the Qur'an and the Hadith, discovering their profound importance akin to the Bible and the Torah.

In Science, the excitement buzzed as we commenced our experiment delving into the mysteries of friction.

In music, the melodious journey continued as we practiced and learned different chords, adding to our repertoire for the song we will be learning to play this half term: 'The Sparkle in my Life.'

We had our final history lesson for this term as we wrapped up the unit by pondered the legacy of the British Empire. This sparked insightful discussions on its impact. We decided the creation of the Commonwealth was a fantastic thing. However, the destruction to traditions and the poor treatment of indigenous people was not ok.

Excitingly, a new adventure in Design and Technology began this week as we embarked on creating automata toys. First up, understanding the magic behind cam mechanisms and their different parts. We learnt that there has to be a cam and a follower, and we learnt that the cam often turns rotary motion into linear motion. We even used drama to become cam mechanisms ourselves!

Finally, in PHSE, our focus stayed on 'how to let love in.' We took a moment to reflect on the things we say to ourselves when frustration hits, redirecting negative self-talk into positive affirmations.

What a week it's been! I hope you are having a fantastic weekend, and I'm looking forward to more exciting discoveries and adventures this week.

See you tomorrow,

Miss Pennance 

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