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C of E Primary School

Year 5 Weekly News 28.06.24

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Happy Friday everybody. This week has flown by, and you have worked so hard all week. You are all superstars!

In maths this week, we paused our unit on converting units of measure to learn about volume. Volume is the amount of space a shape takes up. We learnt what it is measured in and learnt that you can calculate it by counting blocks. We also had a special guest – Mr Metcalfe – who visited us during our maths lesson on Thursday. In his lesson, we jumped into the world of money and enhanced our knowledge of how to answer word problems. We used bar models to help us work out the different steps, and it was wonderful to see how resilient and resourceful you were when solving them.

In Reading this week, we rejoined Dylan – the main character in our book – as he journeyed through the Amazon rainforest. In this week's lessons, we considered how the author has used figurative language to enhance the description. Also, in spellings this week, we learnt about words ending in shul spelt -cial or -tial.

We continued writing our survival narrative in our English lessons. In the next part of our story, our characters have moved further away from safety and deeper into the unknown! We have worked hard to build tension and drama in our writing by using exciting tools and techniques. Well done, team.

In our second lesson of 'No Way Through Isn't True', we learnt that being HeartSmart means knowing who you are becoming inside your heart is MORE important than any success you have on the outside. Success is not always what you see! The growing you are doing in your heart and the skills you are learning to be HeartSmart will set you up for success in every area of your life. This reminded of use John 10:10 'I've come that they may have life and life to the full.'

In RE this week, we continued learning about St Paul. We considered what his purpose was and read one of the letters that he wrote to the people of Corinth. In his letter, he talks about what love is and what love isn't. We then considered what we would include in a letter to the church if we wrote one today. We all agreed that the message of love is just as important now as it was then.

Today in PE, we have worked more on our fielding skill. We discussed the importance of perfecting our throwing skills to make an efficient team. When throwing to bases, we tried to ensure the ball bounced before reaching our teammate and that gave us an opportunity to provide back up to our fellow fielders. Finally, we tried to practice these new skills in a game of rounders.

In Music, we got straight in to our recorder learning in music this week. We recapped how to hold the recorder, followed by learning notes – B and A. We learnt the Note B and Note A Raps! We loved singing along and reading the online sheet music. We worked well as a team and tried so hard to not produce any squeaks!

On Friday, it was time for D.T. We were excited to learn that we will be making guacamole and salsa for some nachos! But before we can start making, we needed to learn about the ingredients that go into them. We learnt what these ingredients are, and we researched where in the world these foods come from. We were surprised to learn that these items come from all over the world!

You also enjoyed your transition afternoon with Mrs Burns this week. During your visit, you created some beautiful artwork using pictures of yourselves. How exciting. Mrs Burns loved the chance to get to know you all and is looking forward to teaching you in Year 6.

Finally, this week we celebrated completing our John Muir Award. We celebrated by sharing all the wonderful things we have done with friends and family. We started by sharing who John Muir was, and why the John Muir Award is important. We explained that we went to our local moss and shared an array of pictures to show case what we had done. You all spoke clearly, and I am very proud of you all.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Pennance

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