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C of E Primary School

Year 5 Weekly News 26.01.24

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What a fantastic Friday it has been!

I was filled with pride as I watched you share our class worship with the school and with our friends and family. For this term's class worship, we decided to use forgiveness as our focus. We worked as a team to decide what we should include, and we felt it was important to share the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. In this story, Jesus explains that we must forgive others if we want to receive forgiveness ourselves. We used this lesson to help us write our own prayer too. You did a great job today team, and I hope you are feeling proud.

In maths, we have continued to learn about subtracting fractions. By the end of the week, we were able to apply our knowledge of adding and subtracting fractions to take on word problems. These seemed a little scary at first, but when we started to unpick them we realised that word problems are just math stories.

In English, our imagination was ignited when some clues were left in the classroom at the start of the week. These clues included mud, a dirty item of clothing, a torch, a magnifying glass and a torn up map! We pieced the map together and found out that it was the floor plan to a place called Baskerville Hall. This set our minds racing, and we began to predict that our new story might be a murder mystery! We didn't have to wait long to find out that we were right! Our new English unit is going to be based around 'The Hound of the Baskervilles'. We have started reading the story, and we're very excited to see what happens next.

In Book Club, we have continued exploring the purpose of layout features in non-fiction books. The book we are looking at is the DK Witness Space book, and we have also enjoyed all the interesting facts that we have foundalong the way.

In Science this week, we continued learning about life cycles. This week, our focus was insects.

In PE, we have done dodge-ball and football. In our dodge-ball lesson, we learnt about the importance of trying to catch the ball and the importance of accurate aim when throwing. In football with Coach James, your lesson focused around building your football skills.

In RE, we recapped all the parables we have learnt so far. Next, we brought them into the 21st century by writing our own modern-day version of our favourite parable.

In French with Miss Holland, you continued with your 'On the Move unit'. You learnt the next set of words for modes of transport., and you discussed how un/une come before the noun. Of the words you learnt, on foot is the odd one out as it is spelt – à pied.

In PHSE with Miss Holland, you started your lesson by talking about penguins. Did you know that the largest colonies of penguins recorded have between 180,000 – 200,000!! We were amazed! This was the start of your HeartSmart lesson where you spoke about feeling lonely. Is it possible to feel lonely even though we are surrounded by lots of people? When do we feel lonely? Who can we speak to about feeling lonely? We know that a real friend will always be better than having a lot of online friends. You then linked this to the bible reference – 'God is with you – wherever you may go and no matter what life brings. Joshua 1:9.

In Computing this week, we have started a new unit on databases. We created a paper databases and learnt how to sort and search our database. We also learnt some new terminology – field, record and cell.

Finally in history, we have started to answer the question 'Who were the Ancient Greeks'.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Pennance

P.S: this week's homework is on maths.co.uk

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