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C of E Primary School

Year 5 Weekly News 24.01.25

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Happy Friday, Year 5! We have had an exciting week because this week we went to the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery. Our exciting adventure took place on Thursday! During our visit, we took part in two extremely interesting sessions. In our first session, we learnt about the different styles of pots the Ancient Greeks used. Then, we learnt how to make them by using the coil technique. You listened beautifully to Tina – our instructor – and it was amazing to see the wonderful pots you created. You were every excited when you learnt that you were going to be able to take them home. I hope you've been able to tell your family all about them. After lunch, it was time for our second session. In our second session, we met Cathy, and we were amazed when she showed us some real Ancient Greek pots – these pots were over 2500 years old! It was a definite 'wow' moment. Throughout the visit, you were amazing, and the staff at the museum couldn't stop tell us what a lovely class you were! I am very proud of you. Thank you for being wonderful ambassadors for our school.

When we weren't out and about, we were busy bees in school, working hard and trying our best. As usual, our morning lessons have focused on Math, English, Spelling and Reading. In maths, we have been learning about short division. We learnt how this method needs us to make groups, and we learnt that times tables are once again the key to helping us master this skill. In English, we have started the planning process for our setting description which we will be writing next week. As part of the planning process, we have learnt about personification, metaphors and how the weather can be used to help convey emotions and feelings! For our spelling lessons, we have been learning how to change adjectives ending in 'able' and 'ible' into adverbs by using 'ably' and 'ibly'. Finally, in reading, we have been enjoying our own books and taking turns to read to an adult.

In our afternoon lessons, we have enjoyed HeartSmart, Art, Wellbeing, RE, PE, Music, Computing, History and DT. Gosh, what a busy week we have had.

On Monday, it was time for Heartsmart, RE and Art. In Heartsmart, we learnt all about the importance of non-verbal communication. This was enlightening as we realised that our facial expression, our body language and our actions can all convey messages to other people without us evening realising. For RE this week, we continued to think about why Christians think Jesus is such a good teacher. We realised that he is a good teacher because he makes his stories relavent to the people who were listening to them. This inspired us to write our own modern-day parables. In Art, we finished our poetry zines and then shared them with each other. We shared what we like about each other's work, and it was lovely to hear you talk to kindly about that your classmates had created. We then used this to help write our final evaluations.

On Tuesday, it was time for Music and PE with Mrs Whittingham. In music, we had a jam-packed music lesson this week. After recapping notes B, A and G, we used these notes and played Hot Cross Buns. We sounded really good. We practised our playing a few times over before moving on to learn how to play note E. In PE, we learnt how to catch a ball that was low and moving at a pace. Working in partners, you helped your peers to build their catching skills by delivering a low throw for your partner to catch. You needed to be ready to move in any direction so you kept your knees soft and bounced on the balls of their feet. Continuing with our big focus – honesty – we then played some matches to practice all the skills we have worked on so far.

On Wednesday, it was time for PE again. This time, we were doing hockey. We recapped the skills we had learnt previously and then went on to learn about the jab tackle. We combined all of these skills to play a fun game at the end. After PE, we jumped into Computing. In this lesson, we recorded the 6 scenes we need to create our videos. You all worked extremely hard on this, and I want to say a big thank you for bringing things to help your scenes come alive. I am looking forward to teaching you how put them together using editing skills next week.

Finally, on Friday, History and DT were our focus. In History, we turned our attention to chronology. We put a number of different eras (ones we had previously studied in school) in chronological order. We then had to decide where we thought the Ancient Greece era should go. We then learnt about where Greece is in the world to help us understand what it would be live to live there. To end our week, we finished creating our stuffed toys. These look so amazing! I hope you are proud of what you have been able to create! I am truly blown away by them. As part finishing them, we evaluated our work by identifying what we like about them and what we would work on if we were to do it next time.

Thank you for working so hard this week. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

See you all on Monday,

Miss Pennance

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