Happy Friday Year 5. Can you believe we have completed our first full week together. Let's see we've been up to this week.
In Maths this week, we continued exploring the intricacies of five and six-digit numbers. We delved deep into understanding the value of each digit within these numbers, a fundamental skill that empowers us to read, write, and manipulate them with ease. Throughout our lessons, we honed our ability to correctly position the commas, ensuring that our numbers were accurately represented. This foundational knowledge forms the bedrock of our mathematical prowess, setting the stage for more complex mathematical adventures in the future.
In our English adventures, lunar landings continued to be our focus. This week, we were introduced to what a good exploration narrative looks like. We unpicked the text and were once again introduced to some fantastic new vocabulary such as "candescent" "overwhelmed" and "infinite". We have also looked at its structure and the language features used within it.
Plus, we learned this cool thing called 'parenthesis,' which means adding extra info to our writing with brackets – like secret messages for our readers! It has been lovely to see you having a go at using it in your writing this week. Great work team.
In Reading, we have been investigating non-fiction texts. We have been delving into DK Witness's Victorians book to determine whether Queen Victoria was a 'symbol of British greatness'. After investigating the text, we felt she was.
In RE, we began by naming the sacred texts of the world; our then focus zeroed in on the Bible. We discovered that the Bible is a multifaceted treasure trove, comprised of two major sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament with a total of 66 books; we realised that the Bible is like a library full of different genres. Our curious minds bubbled with questions, and we eagerly noted them down, poised to unravel the answers in the forthcoming lessons.
This week, we had our first Heartsmart unit. This unit is all about how to get 'HeartSmart'. We discussed what we thought it meant to look after our own hearts, and how we can look after others. This links beautifully to the bible reference: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23.
In music this week, we listened to and appraised The Ghost Parade. Talking more in-depth about instruments and rhythms, we could hear: the note changes of the violin; the glockenspiels playing the melody in unison; instruments suddenly playing quieter and a tuba playing a descending note pattern. This song has a spooky sound to it and it made a few of us remember nice memories with our friends.
During our history lesson, we utilised both iPads and books to carry out research, which enabled us to gather a wealth of facts about the lives of people during the Victorian era. It was fascinating to discover how daily life varied between different classes and how advancements during this period shaped the world we live in today. We also used our knowledge of timelines to work out when in the past the Victorian era took place.
In Computing lessons, we embarked on a fascinating journey into the realm of digital systems. We took a closer look at the intricate process involved when we order something from a store and how it magically arrives at our doorstep. It was like uncovering the secrets behind the scenes of online shopping! This real-world example illuminated the workings of digital systems in our everyday lives, making it all the more intriguing.
Finally, we enjoyed our first Forest Schools session this week. Being outdoors is always a great adventure, and it was lovely to see everyone embracing the natural environment. Even though the sun wasn't shining, we had a wonderful time making clay animals and then creating habitats for them.
Thank you for a wonderful week ,Year 5. I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
See you all on Monday,
Miss Pennance
P.S. Don't forget to complete your Maths homework
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