Happy weekend everybody. I hope you are having lots of fun, and that you are getting ready for our very last week together! I can't believe there is now only one week to go. Before we start our last learning journey together, let me share what wonderful things we have been up to this week.
Units of measure continued to be our focus in maths. In this week's lessons, we looked at units of capacity at the start of the week and learnt how to convert between imperial and metric units. By the end of the week, we moved onto units of time. We have even been reading timetables. In spellings this week, we have recapped our understanding of the 'tious' spelling and had some fun playing different spelling games to help us practice our Y5 and Y6 common exception words.
Last week, in RE, we asked questions about how to save the world and as a class we identified four main areas that concerned us. These were: deforestation, climate change, food poverty and animal protection. In this week's lesson, we combined our RE lesson with our computing lesson because we needed to research the area that interested us most. Once researched, you worked with a partner to create a PowerPoint to share your findings. We enjoyed using our Book Club time this week to present our PowerPoints to each other.
In wellbeing this week, we went through all the wellbeing strategies we have learnt this year. We had fun doing some of them again, and then we picked our top three that we will use to help us next year.
Science has dominated our learning this week. In our lessons, we learnt about puberty and how our bodies are going to change physically and emotionally. We talked about the importance of hygiene and that it is important to remember we are all different, so the way we experience puberty may be different to the way someone else does and this is ok. The questions you asked and the contributions you made were fantastic. I am so impressed with how sensible you all were. Well done, Year 5. We then learnt about the next stage of development called late adulthood. We learnt about the changes that happen in old age and identified some misconceptions about old age too.
In music this week, we continued building our confidence when playing our recorders. We began by practising the note G rap. We ran through the Hot Cross Buns rap twice. We listened back to all of the sections and compared how we sounded. We noticed our recorder playing suffered when we sang in between the playing parts. We sounded so much better when we solely focused on the playing section. Next week we will play notes A and B and play the Annoying Siren rap.
In PE, you had your last rounders lesson. In the lesson, we recapped everything we have learnt about backing up fielders, backstop working with the first base fielder to get a batter out when they miss, playing fairly and the importance of fielders working well with each other and communicating. We also discussed the importance of bowling accurately at a consistent height and batting accurately into a space and how they have developed these skills during this half term. Finally, we talked about good sportsmanship and how we should be communicating with one another during the session – calmly and kindly and with respect. We then put all our skills and knowledge into one last game of rounders.
In history, we continued learning about the Ancient Maya civilisation. In this lesson, we learnt that they used to play a game which is very similar to the football we play today! It's called pok-ta-pok. We were fascinated by the rules and that archaeologists are finding rubber balls that were actually used by Mayans to play the game! Amazing! Using the historical skills of comparing and contrasting, we identified the similarities and differences between the too.We then had a hybrid history and English lesson as we completed our final lesson. In this session, we chose three objects that we thought represent the accomplishments and achievements of this civilisation.
I hope you're having a fantastic weekend!
See you tomorrow,
Miss Pennance
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street