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Year 5 News 25.11.22

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How have we come to the end of another week? It has whizzed by!

This week during our English lessons, we have started a new unit . . . Poetry! Our first lesson was an exciting one as you entered to interesting music, and you had to hunt around the classroom to find unusual items that had appeared.  As the lesson went on, it was revealed that we will be using 'The Grotlyn – one of our 'Five Favourite' books – as our model text.  We were also visited by the travelling book fair this week too. There was lots of excitement as you browsed the books and wrote down the ones that captivated your attention.  Don't forget that the book fair will only be here on Monday and Tuesday next week.

In Maths, we have been continuing with our multiplication and division unit. This week, we have been focusing on cubed numbers and how to multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. The key thing to remember here is that the digits move up and down the place value chart.  

We had our fourth Forest School session this week. We combined it with our Science unit which meant that the first part of the session required us to dissect a plant.  We dissected a lily to find the different components. You did a great job (and showed that you remembered the main parts of the a flowering plant when you labelled a diagram later on in the week).  For the rest of the Forest School lesson, we focused on shelter building. We even had time to light fires and toast marshmallows.  Yummy! 

During our afternoon sessions, we have been busy with R.E, D.T, Music, P.E, Geography, Science and of course a power cut! 

In R.E, we continued learning about the names that are given to Jesus at Christmas time. We recapped the four names we learnt from last lesson, and then listened to a verse from the book of Isiah which introduced us to some new ones.  We even listened to a musical version of the verse which was set to music by the famous composer George Fredrick Handel.  We talked about what these names meant and realised that they are making a prediction about who Jesus would be and the life he would lead. 

In D.T, we began to design our automata toys. You worked in partners to come up with your design. As part of the process, you had to consider who would be using it, what it would look like and what type of cam you wanted to use. Your designs look incredible, and I can't wait for us to start bringing them to life next week!

In Music, you continued to make your way through the Young Voices songs! We are sticking with it and not giving up; even when things get tricky. We practiced – Don't worry mash-up, Rockstar and Nile Rodger's dance section. We learnt the actions to accompany Rockstar and Le Freak by Nile Rodgers.

In Science, we learnt about the life cycles of mammals and birds. You realised that some elements are similar and that some parts of the life cycle are very different too.  

Finally, in Geography, we continued learning about where the things we eat come from.  However, in this lesson, we were introduced to some new learning too . . . biomes! Did you know that the world is separated into different biomes. These are zones pf the planet which have a similar climate and landscape.  We used this knowledge to learn which biomes our food comes from.

I hope you all have a fab weekend, 

Miss P


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