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C of E Primary School

Year 5 News

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What a wonderful week we have had! This week we went to Young Voice to sing in the world's biggest choir, learnt about rocket science from an astronaut (in training) and celebrated Number Day and Interfaith Week.

Young Voices started our week. We had such an amazing time. We sang our hearts out and danced the night away. It was amazing to be part of the world's biggest choir! Wow! If you want to see some pictures, head over to seesaw as Mrs Chesters has uploaded some pictures and videos for us to enjoy.

Throughout the week, we have been celebrating Interfaith Week. We looked at the idea of 'shared values of service'. We learnt that each faith believes in the idea that we should help others in order to make our world a better place. As part of our lessons, we looked at the Native American story called 'The Rainbow Crow'. It's a beautiful story where a rainbow crow sacrifices his amazing colours and beautiful song to help save the animals. We used this as inspiration to create our own rainbow crow where each faith's beliefs of service are written on its feathers.

We ended the week with the NSPCC's number day. Your costumes were brilliant. Thank you so much for dressing up and donating to such an amazing charity. To help us celebrate Number Day, school took part in a national TTRockstars battle. We battled away by answering as many questions as we could. It was a great battle and you helped contribute to our brilliant total.

Throughout the week, we have also been continuing with our Maths and English lessons. In maths this week, we finished our unit on multiplication and division and began learning about fractions. We learnt about equivalent fractions and the different methods you can use to find them. Knowing our times table knowledge is very important for this. In English this week, we have been completing our shared write. To do this, we used our boxing up plan which helped us to know what to write in each paragraph. It was great to see you using our key features in your your writing as these added suspense to your work. You all worked very hard to create your stories, and it shows in the quality of work you created. Well done, team!

In PHSE, we talked about the negative things we can sometimes say to ourselves. Such as 'I am stupid', or 'I am no good'. We talked about how this made us feel and how it is important to listen to the truths such as 'I am smart' and 'I am kind'. We discussed how these positives make us feel uplifted and confident. In the bible, Jesus says, "I am the way. And I am the truth and the life." John 14:6. Believe in this and believe in your truths too! In MyHappyMind, we came to the end of our last lesson in the 'Appreciate' module. In this lesson, we recapped the things we appreciate and how we can show appreciation for others, experiences and ourselves. We practiced showing appreciation for ourselves by identifying some of our key character strengths and discussing how these made us great.

On Friday, we got to learn about rocket science! It was pretty cool. We joined the UK's Saxavord space port to learn all about the forces behind blasting a rocket off into space. We even received a message from the Uk's first astronaut! How cool is that!

It has certainly been a busy week, but what amazing week it has been!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Pennance

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