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C of E Primary School

Year 5 News 07.10.22

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Happy Friday everybody! It has been a wonderful Friday because today we went down to church to share our Harvest Celebration Service with friends, family and the local community. The service was beautiful, and many people commented on how well everybody spoke and sang. Those of you with words spoke clearly which allowed the importance of the message to be heard by all. If you didn't have words, you still played a huge role because you sang your hearts out. It sounded amazing. Well done, Year 5.

In Maths this week, we came to the end of our unit on place value of numbers up to 1,000,000. During this week, we have investigated number sequences, recapped rounding and we have even been finding the difference between negative and positive numbers. Next week, we will be starting our unit on addition and subtraction!

In English, we started the week off by editing our 'Hot Write'. I loved reading all the newspaper articles and was pleased to see so many of our unit targets in your work. In our next lesson of the week, we began our new unit on Warning Stories. You were able to recall some of your Year 4 learning to help you with your cold write (Miss Welch and I were very proud of what you remembered). We then began to learn and unpick our new model text. We unpicked the vocabulary within it and used iPads to find a range of synonyms.

We had our third MyHappyMind lesson this week. In our lesson, we recapped the roles of Team H-A-P and we completed another Happy Breathing task. We also learnt about neuroplasticity. Did you know that when we practice something our brains create neural pathways which make it easier to remember. Therefore, the more you practice something the easier it becomes.

In R.E, we continued learning about Moses and his journey through the desert with the Israelites. To begin our lesson, we thought about what rules we would need if we were living with a group of a 100 people (we linked this back to the story as this is the number of people believed to be with Moses in the desert). We then learnt that Moses and the Israelites were given some rules by God to help them live peacefully together. These rules are called the 10 Commandments. Next, we took each one and ranked them from most important to least important. This was a tough task which led to lots of interesting conversations as many of us couldn't decide. Finally, as a class, we decided that 'Do not kill' was the most important one to follow.

In Music this week, our next learning task on the glockenspiel was to play – notes C D and E. We read the onscreen time signature, recapped our note names and beat values. This helped us play the notes to a piece of music called – March of the Golden Guards.

In Computing, we started our coding sessions. First of all, we completed an unplugged task where we coded each other to follow a pattern. We then put this knowledge into practice when using the iPads to complete online tasks.

Finally, this week we began learning about our Courageous Advocacy project for this year. First of all, we recapped what Courageous Advocacy means. It means to be brave and fearless when promoting something you feel is important. In Year 5, we are going to be helping to save the bees. Bees, and other insects, play such an important role in our food chain that we would find things very difficult without them. During our research, we learnt that bees help pollinate one third of the food we eat! We also used our time to find out other interesting bee facts. We look forward to sharing these with you at our Courageous Advocacy Assembly next Friday.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss P

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