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C of E Primary School

Year 5 News 03.03.23

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Welcome back everybody!

It has been a magical week. I have taught Luna Lovegood, Mallory Towers, Quil, Spiderman, Harry Potter and many more this week! Isn't that amazing! It's because it was World Book Day on Thursday. I want to say a huge thank you to you all (and of course the parents at home) for taking the time and effort to create your amazing costumes. You looked amazing.

In maths this week, we have come to the end of our first fractions unit. In the unit, we have learnt about improper and mixed number fractions. We have learnt how to convert between the two and how to compare and order them. Wow, that's a lot of new learning. Next week, we will be moving onto our next fractions unit which will be teaching us how to add and subtract fractions.

Space has captured our attention in our English lessons this week. This is because our new unit is all about the planets in our solar system; we will be writing an information leaflet about a planet of our choice at the end of the unit. During the week, we recapped the difference between a subordinating and coordinating conjunction. We then moved onto using this knowledge to help us understand the difference between compound, complex and simple sentences.

Our afternoon sessions started off with R.E and Study Work. In R.E, you designed your own piece of artwork to demonstrate your understanding of how salvation is portrayed through Christian artwork. It was lovely to see the elements we have been learning about emerge in your own work. I can't wait to see what they will look like when we start painting them next week. In Study Work, we carried on with our Young Voices page.

On Tuesday, our focus was history and D.T. In History, we continued to think about how the Ancient Greeks have influence our lives today. In this lesson, we focused on the Greek alphabet. Did you know that the name of our own alphabet comes from the Greek letters alpha and beta? We had a go at writing our names in Greek and translating Greek words into English. In D.T, we began to create the print block we will need to print our design onto the cushion we will be making.

Having previously looked at cities in France during your last week, it was now time to for you to think about where we live. We learnt how to ask someone where they live, as well the possible options we could say in response. For your first music lesson of this half term, we began with a warm up which included playing 'A Sailor Went To Sea'. For part of the song we played, and for the other part of the song we added vocals. Recapping the chord F was your next task. Once you felt comfortable with this, you practised alternating between chord C and F. We discussed strategies on how to move our fingers along the fretboard quickly but delicately. For what you did in P.E this week, check our Mrs Jenkins P.E. post.

On Thursday, we carried on with our computing unit. We continued to input data and learnt how to format the cells and the text within them.

To finish the week off, we focused on Geography and PSHE. In Geography, we discussed where we would like to go on holiday. We recapped the seven continents of the world, the equator, the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. We then focused our attention of Europe and compared the difference between a physical map and political map. Finally, we located the where the Alps were and the countries that this region spans across.

To finish the week, we had our PSHE, we learnt about budgeting. We imagined we were town planners, and considered where we should spend our money. We had choices like hospitals, roads, elderly care and a few others. This was a difficult choice as we considered where and why money should be spent. The only thing we could agree on was that hospitals and police should always have funding. Being HeartSmart means knowing that the choices we make affect those around us. Even though we aren't making big decisions about how to spend huge budgets, we are always making decisions about how we spend our time, money and energy and even these small decisions have the power to affect ourselves and others. In the bible, it tell us 'Your Father knows what you need before you ask him' (Matthew 6:8), and we talked about how we can always follow in Jesus' footsteps to help us make the right decisions

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Pennance

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