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C of E Primary School

Year 5 News 02.02.24

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Happy Friday! We have had a wonderful week! I am so proud of how hard everyone has worked this week. You have all been superstars! Well done.

We started our week off with a very exciting activity. It was our wet felting session. We used wool to design pictures of the mythical monster Medusa! The motto was gentle, little and use different directions when applying the wool. We then had to spray the wool with warm water to encourage the fibres to stick together! We worked hard to include all the details of her face, and we made sure we created lots of snakes for her hair using green felt. Lots of fun was had, and we can't wait for them to dry fully so we can see the final creations! Well done Year 5 and thanks to @artroomuk for a great learning, hands on experience!

In our maths lessons this week, we have left fractions behind and we have moved onto multiplication and division. Our focus for this week was specifically long multiplication. There has been lots of new learning, and I am very proud of how resilient you have all been.

In our English lesson, we have continued exploring Arthur Cohan Doyles' 'The Hound of The Baskerville'. We have explored vocabulary, wrote descriptive poems (about the moors) and wrote a character description about Sherlock Holmes. It was fantastic to see you using our Year 5 skills in your work; your writing used great word choices and accurate punctuation. For our Friday SPaG lesson, we focused on coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

We have enjoyed reading our own books during book club this week, and in spellings, we have been introduced to words ending in -ent.

During our afternoon sessions, we have enjoyed Art (our wet felting session), R.E, D.T, PHSE, French, Music, PE, Computing, Science, Wellbeing and History. Gosh, haven't we been busy.

For RE, we continued to learn about the lessons that Jesus teaches us in the bible. This time, we focused on the beatitudes. These are the words of wisdom Jesus shared during his Sermon on the Mount. We thought about how these words are still helpful to us today.

Needle threading and sewing were the focus of our D.T lesson. In this lesson, we have learnt how to do the blanket stitch. This is the main stitch that we will be using to create our ancient Greek inspired cushions! How exciting.

Our HeartSmart lesson was about the skills needed to listen to others well. We had to think about how listening to what others are saying requires lots of skills, not just our ears. To demonstrate this, we played a game of Read my Lips. Using our HeartSmart words, partner one had to mouth a word. Partner two had to focus to read their lips. This was not as easy as we thought it was going to be. With our partners, we discussed what else we need to be a good listener. We decided that: good eye contact, using the correct body language and noticing how a person is saying something, not just what they are saying. This links to the bible reference – 'But a wise person listens' Proverbs 12:15

We worked very hard in this week's music lesson. We played both sections of the, 'My Dog has Fleas' piece of music. These were – open strings and individual strings. This song always makes us smile! Using the lyrics, we knew when to play open strings, as the end word of each line, rhymed with fleas. When playing individual strings, our focus was to only play one string at a time and keep our hand steady. Plucking the strings took some practising, but we stayed confident and stuck with the task. We managed to play the rehearsal version, as well as the performance version. We were quite surprised how many of us preferred playing the quicker version. Some of us felt playing faster increased our concentration levels. This was lovely to hear. Well done year 5!

BINGO! We all shouted this in our French lesson! We enjoyed applying our knowledge to a game of bingo. We had the French transport names on our boards, and we were shown one transport picture at a time, which we then had to cross off our boards. This task allowed us to see which transport names we need to try and remember.

For computing, we explored digital databases, and in PE you enjoyed another football lesson with Coach James.

In Science this week, we have moved onto a new unit. This time, we are learning about 'Earth, Moon and Space'. For our first lesson, we discussed how scientists use evidence to prove an idea. Using only what we could see as evidence, we concluded that people might think Earth is flat. However, we realised, with new evidence ideas and theories changed. Once we collated all of the new evidence, we concluded that Earth is actually a globe.

In history, we carried out our own historical inquiries to find out what it was like to be an ancient Greek. You gathered many great facts.

Thank you for a great week Year 5!

I hope you have a fab weekend,

Miss Pennance

P.S. Our homework this week is on Spagtastic.

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