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C of E Primary School

Y5 Weely News 05.07.24

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It's Friday again which means it must be time for another weekly news. This week seems to have flown by! It must be because we have been so busy doing so many wonderful things. For example, this week we have had Sports Day; we supported Preschool during their Sports Day; became artists; became food tasters and that is only a few of the things we have done.

Sports Day was a highlight of the week. We demonstrated our athletic prowess and team spirit. We took part in obstacle race, bean bag race, sprint, and relay. Cheering on our teammates, we showcased exceptional sportsmanship and celebrated the achievements of our friends. The sense of pride and camaraderie filled the air, making it a memorable day for all. Additionally, we had the privilege of supporting the Preschool's Sports Day, where we cheered on the younger children as they participated in their own races. We helped set up the races and guided the younger children to their starting lines. They ran their hearts out, and we are very proud of them. I also think that our encouragement and celebration added to the joyous atmosphere because it created a sense of community and unity. You were fantastic role models Y5. Well done!

When we weren't busy outside being sporting superstars, we were busy inside being learning legends. This week in Maths, measure continued to be our focus. However, this week we imperial units of length and mass. It was interesting to compare them to metric units and understand how they are used in different contexts. We then moved onto converting between imperial units of length and mass.

In English, we came to the end of our adventurous survival narratives. Your characters have bravely explored the depths of the Amazon rainforest and have encountered some nail-biting challenges along the way. From ferocious animals to treacherous terrains, your stories have truly brought the rainforest to life! I must say, I have been absolutely blown away by the wonderful descriptions you have used in your writing. Your creativity and imagination have shone through in every word, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every one of your stories.

We had two RE lessons this week. On Monday, we finished our unit on St Paul. In this unit, we explored passages from the bible to see how other people spread the word of Jesus and Christianity. We then considered who had inspired us most from our unit. On Wednesday, we started a new RE topic this week. In this topic, we are focusing on 'changing the world'. For this lesson, we talked about the things we would want to change. Our four main priorities were: protecting animals, climate change, preventing food poverty and deforestation. We considered why these are important things. Your ideas about this were very moving. Next, we had six question stems: who, what, when, where, why and how. We created a range of questions – using these sentence stems – about the topics we had talked about. Some questions included:

-Why does deforestation happen?
-Who is responsible for climate change?
-When did climate change start?
-How do we stop food poverty?
-Where does deforestation happen?
-What can we do to stop animals getting hurt?

Next week, we are going to be carrying out some research to see if we can answer these questions.

In Art, we have finished our 'Tiny House' or 'Dream Big' projects. Firstly, I must say a huge well done to each and every one of you for the exceptional house models you created last week. The amount of effort, creativity, and individuality poured into each design was simply outstanding. I was truly blown away by your artistic talents! Your artistic talents did not disappoint this week either! This week we have painted our house! They are now looking even better. Each one is unique and individual to you. I hope you are very proud of them. Once finished, it was time to critique our houses. It was wonderful to see you articulate your thoughts and opinions on each other's work with such respect and kindness.

In D.T, we embarked on a tantalizing taste-testing adventure, sampling guacamole and salsa. With heightened senses, we evaluated the aroma, appearance, taste, and texture of tortilla chips, salsa and guacamole. Opinions varied, and we talked about the alterations we could make when we make our own. It was a fab lesson, and I am so proud of how you embraced trying something new.

In our Geography lessons, we revisited our knowledge of Manaus and explored its similarities and differences compared to cities in the UK. We also delved into the fascinating world of tribal communities and their nomadic lifestyle. We discovered how these communities sustain themselves by utilizing natural resources and employing unique techniques to cultivate and create fertile land via the process called shifting cultivation. It was an eye-opening experience that deepened our understanding of different cultures and the importance of environmental sustainability.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Pennance

PS: You have Spagtastic homework this week.

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