How was the first half of the summer term whizzed by so quickly? It has flown. Thank you for all your hard work this half term Year 5. It is lovely seeing you all shine. This week, we have been shining brightly. Let's see what you have been doing.
On Tuesday morning, we were blessed with beautiful weather when we went back down to Wybunbury Moss for our John Muir session. In this week's session, we went bug hunting and pond dipping. These were such fun experiences, and it was amazing just how many different species we were able to find. We even found tadpoles and dragon fly lava in the pond. Thank you, Jenni and Billy from Natural England for another great session.
In Maths, we have recently been delving into the world of shapes and coordinates. We've been honing our skills on reflecting shapes and points, making sure we understand how to manipulate them on a graph. This week, we have also kicked off a fresh unit on decimals. We will be focusing on adding and subtracting decimals, a vital skill that will come in handy both in and out of the classroom.
In our English lessons, we have been diving into the world of modal verbs, adverbials of possibility, cohesive devices, emotive language, rhetorical questions, and parenthesis as we crafted our very own bargain letters. It has been fantastic to see how creatively you have applied these techniques to make your writing more persuasive and engaging. Keep up the great work and remember to maintain your neatest handwriting as we progress further.
Over in our Reading sessions, we have delved back into DK Witness' captivating book on the Amazon to explore the intricacies of ecotourism. By examining the positives and negatives of this concept, we have gained valuable insights into how our choices impact the environment. I have been impressed by the thoughtful discussions and the ways in which you have shared your discoveries with the class.
In this week's art lesson, our journey began with some engaging warm-up exercises to sharpen our skills. We practiced drawing with rulers and also creating continuous line drawings. Following this, we embarked on a captivating activity inspired by the remarkable work of the Shoreditch Sketcher. Drawing inspiration from his unique style and perspective, we ventured to illustrate our own interpretations of buildings and cityscapes. It was truly inspiring to witness your imagination and artistic flair unfold on paper.
It was time for the final lesson of our unit on 'Women of the Old Testament'. This week, we delved into the fascinating story of Esther and explored the significance of the Jewish festival of Purim. Esther's courage and wisdom have certainly inspired us to think about standing up for what we believe in, even when faced with challenges.
On Tuesday afternoon, it was time for us to take part in Part 1 of our Sports Day activities. These activities were the field events. I hope that you all tried your best and showed great sportsmanship. Well done, Year 5.
Our PSHE lesson this week was linked to our Y5 Drugs and Alcohol unit. We started of the session with a class discussion to try and answer the question: 'What are drugs?' It was very interesting to hear your views. During the discussion, we talked about the difference between illegal and legal drugs, and we talked about the way some drugs – like medicine – can be helpful. After the discussion, we looked at photographs of 8 people. You were asked to sort these into who you think would take illegal drunks and who you think wouldn't. As it turns out, there is no way to know if a person does or doesn't take illegal drugs just by looking at them. This was important to understand because we cannot judge someone just on how they look. Also, it is also important to understand that even if someone is wearing nice clothes and looks friendly, we must still be cautious and remember to protect ourselves and not accept anything from them unless a trusted adult is with us.
Finally, to end our week, we began planning our courageous advocacy work. For our protect, we have decided that some of us will be creating videos, some of us are creating recycled artwork and some of us are creating posters. The aim of all of these is to spread awareness about soft plastics and the importance of recycling them.
I hope you all have a brilliant half term (and fingers crossed the sun comes out for us too),
Miss Pennance
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street