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C of E Primary School

Y5 Weekly News 15.12.2023

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It has been a wonderful week because our Christmas celebrations have begun!

On Wednesday, we had the wonderful treat of going to see the fabulous performance of 'The Nutcracker' at the New Vic theatre. It was a magical experience, and we loved every moment of it. It was so lovely to see all of your excited faces as you watched the show unfold before you. You also behaved beautifully, and I am very proud of you. Well done, Year 5. Continuing with the Christmas spirit, in school we have started practising for our own Christmas Service which we are looking forward to sharing with you next week.

In our lesson this week, we have been busy developing our skills and enhancing our knowledge. In maths, we have continued to learn about fractions. In this week's lessons, we have been learning how to compare and order fractions with different denominators. In English, we have been learning about formal letter writing whilst in Book Club we have been enjoying our own stories. It has also been quiz week which has given us the chance to develop our resilience and show off what we know. Well done for working so hard.

In our afternoons, we have enjoyed French, PE, Computing, Geography, PHSE, R.E, D.T, Music and Science. In French, we have learnt how to say all the numbers from one to one hundred. In PE, we enjoyed our gymnastics lesson on Monday, and then we had lots of fun learning how to play tag rugby with Coach James on Thursday. In Geography, we designed and carried out an investigation. In this investigation, we were trying to see if the food in our local supermarket was imported or locally sourced. We discovered that a lot of food is actually imported. We then talked about the pros and cons of buying imported and locally sourced food. In Computing, we have started filming our videos. After filming our first scene, we shared them with the class and reviewed them. We identified many great elements and also talked about what we can do to make them even better. For D.T. this week, we got the hacksaws, vices and clamps out as we began to cut the dowels we needed to make our automata toys. In R.E, we have been learning about the true meaning of Christmas and we wanted to share this with everybody. As a result, we have been creating our own Christmas cards that reflect the true meaning of this very special holiday. In Music, you have been practising the songs we will be singing in our service next week, and in Science you continued learning about life cycles. Finally, in PHSE, we have been talking about the people who help us. We learnt that it is important to keep asking for help until our worries or problems have been listened to, and we learnt that Childline is always there if we need them.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Pennance

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