Welcome back everybody! I hope you had a lovely half term. We jumped straight back into learning on Monday, and it has been a very busy week.
Before half term, we finished our 'Warning Story' unit by writing our 'Hot Write'. This is where you plan your own story and write it completely independently. It was lovely to see so many of you using the key things we had been focusing on. We didn't have time to edit them before we broke up for half term, so this was our first job on Monday. Once that was done, we jumped straight into our next unit which was all about persuasive writing. To help us get into the zone, I challenged you to pick your favourite biscuit. You had to choose between bourbon or a custard cream. It was a tricky decision, so of course had to sample them. It was yummy. You considered the taste and texture and you went on to write some very persuasive pieces. It was tricky marking them because I just wanted to keep eating biscuits. In the rest of our English lesson, we started to unpick our model text, and we started learning about our new SPaG focuses which are speech punctuation and relative clauses.
For Maths this week, we have been learning about statistics. In particular, we have been looking at line graphs. We have been learning to read line graphs and interpret the date that they show. We have also had to use our knowledge of finding the difference to help us with many of the questions.
We also began Forest Schools this week! The weather held for us, and we started off our session by looking at lost of interesting things. Mr Hadfield brought nests, frogs, antlers and much more for us to look at. Next, it was time for shelter building! We had great fun using the different materials to build our own little homes. It was lovely watching you work together in teams. You listened to each other and helped each other. Well done, Year 5. For the last part of our lesson, we built fires. We practiced using the flints and steels to create sparks and we lite a piece of cotton wool.
In Computing this week, you gathered information about Victorian daily life which we will be using to create our GoogleSlides presentations. In History, we learnt about the legacy of the British Empire. We looked up the definition of legacy and learnt that it meant 'a lasting memory/impact'. After reading different sources, we learnt that the British Empire has a good and bad legacy which has impacted Britain and other countries. In Science, we carried out an investigation into air resistance. You created mini parachutes and tested how long they took to fall to the floor. You came to the conclusion that the parachutes with the biggest surface area took the longest to fall. In Art, we have continued making our print blocks. We're hoping to use them for printing next week!
In R.E, we completed our finally lesson on our unit about how the story of Moses shares the importance of salvation and freedom. You also thought that the story tells us about the importance of being courageous advocates and for standing up for what is right.
I hope you all have a great week,
Miss P
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