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C of E Primary School

Welcome To Year 5!

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Welcome to Year 5!

We have had a wonderful first week together. I have loved getting to know you all. Throughout the week, we have been busy doing many different fun and exciting things, and you have already achieved so much. One of our most exciting activities was welcoming RockSteady to school. We got to learn about different instruments, and created our own rock band!

In maths, we have started our first unit of the year . . . place value. You showed off your knowledge when we learnt about 4 and 5 digit numbers. We have also learnt about Roman numerals, and how we read and write numbers to 1000.

In our English adventures, we kicked off with an exhilarating start by immersing ourselves in the historic moment of the first moon landing. This awe-inspiring event will serve as the backdrop for our upcoming narrative recount, where we'll transport our readers to the lunar surface and provide a first-hand account of what it's like to set foot on the moon. Drawing inspiration from the captivating book 'When We Walked On The Moon,' we delved into its rich vocabulary, and revisited expanded noun phrases to create a wonderful poems.

In our afternoons, we have been busy with P.E, Music, Art, History, Computing and Science.

In PE this week, we have started our football unit. We were introduced to the term layoff (to encourage us to pass into a space our teammates are heading to) and the 1-2 formation used by two attackers when avoiding a defender. We built on our skills from previous years by keeping close contact with the ball when dribbling and were able to explain that we have more control of our passes when we use the inside of our foot and why this gives us more precision when passing. Finally, we tried to speed up our play and improve our precision.

In music, we began our new music unit, we looked at the social question – How does music bring us together? We discussed some really good ideas and shared these as a class. We listened to the first song called The Ghost Parade. We found this song quite spooky! The songs we will be listening to are linked to melody and harmony. To help us identify these, we will be singing and playing the glockenspiel this half-term.

We began our art unit this week too. Our unit will be focusing on monotype prints! To get our creative juices flowing, we met an incredible artist named Kevork Mourad. His monotype prints are like a burst of imagination on paper! We used Kevork's artwork as our muse and started crafting our own drawings.

On Thursday, History and Computing was our focus. In History, we learnt about how Queen Victoria by using iPads to carry out research and gather facts about her. In computing, we dived into the cool world of systems. We wanted to understand how things take inputs and turn them into outputs. To make it fun and relatable, we looked at bicycles. They're like a bunch of separate pieces that all team up to make the bike move . . . which means it has lots of different systems! But it didn't stop there. We also talked about digital systems, like computers and gadgets. And guess what? We even got to design our own digital teddy bear! We brainstormed what could go in (the inputs) and what our digital teddy would do (the output). It's like giving our teddies some super cool superpowers!

On Friday, we enjoyed your first science lesson of the year. This term you will be focusing on forces. In this lesson, you explored different types of forces, and you were introduced to the key vocabulary you will be using this term.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend,

Miss P

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