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C of E Primary School

Welcome To Year 5!

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Welcome to Year 5!

We have had a wonderful first week together. I have loved getting to know you all again; it is a privilege to be able to teach you for another year. Throughout the week, we have been busy doing many different fun and exciting thing, and you have already achieved so much.

In maths, we have started our first unit of the year . . . place value. You showed off your knowledge when we recapped Y4's content. It was fantastic to see how much you had remembered. Well done, team. We then moved onto learning about Roman numerals, and how we read and write numbers to 1000. In English, we have been playing spelling games and enhancing our SPaG knowledge. In our lessons, we revisited expanded noun phrases and how to use them in a sentence. We the moved onto learning about modal verbs.

In our afternoons, we have been busy with Big Art! We learnt about how Queen Victoria had portraits and photos taken throughout her life. We are trying our best to recreate an icon portrait in the style of Chase Close. To do this, we have been utilising our colour mixing skills to great effect. Queen Victoria was the focus of our computing too. We using websites to carry out research and gather facts about her.

At the start of the week, you enjoyed your first science lesson with Mrs Whittingham. This term you will be focusing on forces. In this lesson, you explored different types of forces, and you were introduced to the key vocabulary you will be using this term.

We also began Forest Schools this week! The weather was glorious, and we started off our session by looking at lots of interesting things; Mr Hadfield brought a lion skull for us to look at! Next, it was time to explore the school grounds. Armed with an identification key, we became tree detectives. Using the leaves of the tree, we were able to work out what type of tree we were looking. Isn't that clever.For the last part of our lesson, we built fires. We practiced using the flints and steels to create sparks, and we lite a piece of cotton wool.

For your first music lesson of this half-term, you started our new year 5 unit. We listened to, and appraised a song called 'The Ghost Parade.' We thought this song was different to any other song we had listened to previously. We will be using the glockenspiels this half-term, and building on our previous learning.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend,

Miss P

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