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C of E Primary School

Our Final Full Week Of Year 5 15/07/22

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I can't believe that we have had our final week together and that there are only two days of Year 5 left. Where has the year gone? It's flown by and so has this week.

This week, we started our lessons off with maths. We have learnt about translation and reflection this week. We found some elements more challenging than others, but as long as we remembered the top tips we were able to figure it out.

We have also had our RSE lessons. In our lessons, we learnt about puberty and how our bodies are going to physically and emotionally change. We talked about the importance of hygiene and that it is important to remember we are all different, so the way we experience puberty may be different to the way someone else does and this is ok. The questions you asked and the contributions you made were fantastic. I am so impressed with how sensible you all were. Well done, Year 5.

D.T was another topic we focused on this week. At the start of the week, we taste tested guacamole and salsa. We evaluated its appearance, flavour, smell and texture. There were mixed reviews, but I was so impressed because everyone gave it a try (and for some of you it was the very first time). We discussed the ingredients we thought were in them too. On Friday, it was time to get cooking. We used the bridge cut and the claw cut to make our own guacamole and salsa. In pairs, you listened carefully to the instructions and followed the recipe. Once made, we created our nachos and had a feast. Lots of you tried your culinary creations and lots of people talked about how they would cut things smaller next time and maybe also use a little less lime.

On Tuesday, Shavington High School came to visit us which was very exciting. They taught us all about an artists called Fabric Lenny, and we used his work to inspire our own creations. It was great fun and the finished pieces were very impressive. The staff from Shavington High School were also very impressed by your excellent behaviour and your wonderful manners. You were excellent ambassadors for our school and showed that you are definitely ready for the new roles and responsibilities you will be taking on in Year 6 (you will find out what these are when you come back to school after the summer holidays.

You continued to shine during Preschool's sports day on Wednesday. You each had a job to do from sorting equipment to looking after the children. You were fantastic and should be very proud of how hard you worked and the role you played in making their sports day a memorable event.

Throughout the week, we have also been focusing on study work during our afternoon sessions. We have been busy completing the final pages of our books ready for them to be taken home on Tuesday. They are looking beautiful, and I'm sure everyone at home can't wait to see all of the wonderful work inside them.

We also look forward to sharing our John Muir assembly with you too. We have been busy filming it this week and we  will be sending you the link so you can watch it at home very soon.

I hope you're having a lovely weekend,

Miss P

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