As writers, we moved onto looking at information reports. We enjoyed discovering the animals that share the same habitat as a polar bear, and we then focused in on reading an information report about artic foxes. We have then explored the vocabulary within the text alongside the use of technical language. We imagined we were the new David Attenborough and recorded ourselves speaking about the polar bears over the top of a video of them. We have then moved on to gather information for our own report based on polar bears. We have watched videos and used the iPads to research and gather facts and information. We have learnt so much about this interesting species.
We have continued to practise our skills to recognise multiples in Maths. We also began the week by winning the TT Rockstars class award. Well done Year 4! Across the week, we have learnt about our 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 times tables. At the end of the week, we learnt about multiplying by 1 and 0.
In spellings, our focus has been to add the suffix ly and our reading time has given us the opportunity to practise reading aloud.
In geography, we explored the landscape of the Americas. Using different images we saw the landscape vary from glaciers in Alaska, to the Andes mountains, the Grand Canyon and the Caribbean islands. We then wrote a postcard pretending we had just visited one of those places.
We also fitted in a short football skills session to practise our turning skills.
In computing this week, we have continued to learn about using 'WavePad' to record our own voices. We have learnt about how we will be working on recording our own podcasts. We have chosen to base these on our reports of marine animals. We have been able to record more than one recording, trim our recording and then join two recordings together.
During our RE lesson this week, Mrs Hughes came fo speak to us about her life as a Christian and how she believes Jesus is the light of the world. We asked her lots of questions to deepen our understanding of Christian belief. We really enjoyed having her in class. We then learnt about the significance of the Christingle. We learnt what each part symbolises and even made our own! We then considered how Christians act as lights of the world by following in the footsteps of Jesus. We hope that you enjoy lighting your Christingles at home.
We have been practising the words for our Christmas service this week.
In our Art lesson this week, we brought together all of our learning to create our final piece. Using our tessellated designs, we created a pattern. Inside each of these designs, we then added our own rule to create another pattern. We carefully thought about our use of media and colour.
In our science lesson this week, we have finished learning about the positive and negative impact humans can have on the habitats of living things. We thought about the projects we could introduce to school to help and encourage wildlife.
In Music, we practised all of our Christmas service songs in our music lesson this week. We really liked splitting into our groups and singing our verses. We are looking forward to showcasing our singing in church.
We also enjoyed our gymnastics lesson with Mrs Whittingham this week.
In our DT lesson this week, we thought about how we can add to our recipe to improve our biscuits (we loved taste testing them earlier in the week) and then budget for the costs of them. We enjoyed considering the different things we could add and as a team decided what this would be. We focused on deciding on a target audience and then thinking about the type of biscuit they would enjoy. homework has been set this week.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Morris and Mrs Pointon
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street