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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News 3.5.24

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Our English lessons gave us the opportunity to complete our narrative writing piece. We wrote our final paragraph where the villain harmed the good character. We spent time to carefully edit our work. We have then started our second outcome based on the same book. This week, we learnt that we need to persuade the witch to give our story endings back before everyone's bedtime is ruined. To know where to start with our letters, weread an example text which make a plea to parents to stop reading bedtime stories to their children. We explored persuasive sentences and wrote sentences using this new vocabulary. On Friday, we then needed the help of Y2. We shared stories with them and asked then how they would feel if stories never had a happy ending. We gathered quotes from their ideas. Thank you for your help Y2!

In Maths, our focus has been to get to know hundredths as fractions and decimals. We have used hundredth grids and place value charts to look at the value of each number. We also compared our knowledge of tenths and hundredths to say eleven hundredths, is the same as one tenth and one hundredth.We also continued to look at dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 and have then learnt how to divide by 100.

As Geographers, we concluded our river work by identifying the location of mountain ranges around the world. This was followed by a drawing activity to display a model of the river which includes the new river vocabulary. We also begun our new topic, How do volcanoes and earthquakes affect people and environment? To do so, we learnt about the structure of the earth, starting with the crust, the mantle and the inner and outer core. We had a great discussion to decide whether the crust is like the skin of an apple. We will look forward to continuing this conversation next week.

Our wellbeing time was based around the statement 'The one thing I need is...' We came up with such lovely responses, and we decided if this week's wellbeing strategy would be in our top three strategies.

Computing this week was such fun! To start with, we practised being human data loggers and soon realised how tricky this can be. In groups, we used a microbit as a data logger to record sound levels, light levels and temperature. We were impressed at how the microbit can record our data.

Athletics was the focus of one of our PE lesson this week. We practised our skills to master the hurdles and the relay baton transfer.

In our RE lessons this week, we have thought about the beginning of the churches. We started our lesson with a rock considering the qualities of a rock. We learnt that in the bible, Peter was compared to a rock and told that he would be the rock on which God would build his church. We read bible stories from Acts and learnt about what these meant. We found out that this didn't mean a physical building being built but instead the beginning of God's community.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we started to read the story of 'Emperors new clothes' by Hans Christian Anderson. We enjoyed hearing the story and continued to pause and think about its meaning. We think the focus of this lesson will be based on telling the truth. We will continue this lesson next week.

In our Art lessons this week, we started to learn about our new unit. We started our unit by learning about the work of 'Claes Oldenburg'. We watched videos of his art work and created our own artist pages in our sketchbooks.

In our French lessons this week, we learnt how to describe colours based on whether they were light or dark. This learning was linked to our knowledge of the colour of food.

We have really enjoyed sharing our Year 4 class worship with you this week. Our worship was based on our school vision 'Let your light shine' Matthew chapter 5 verse 16. The children help to plan and write our worship and then delivered their message and song amazingly. We hope that you enjoyed watching it!

Maths.co.uk homework has been set.

We hope you have had a wonderful bank holiday weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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