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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News 28.6.24

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Year 4 have worked very hard to complete the last of our quizzes. We showed such resilience and perseverance to try our best to read the questions carefully, and spend time checking our answers.

In our Maths lessons this week, we learnt about understanding graphs. We have learnt how to read from graphs, including bar and line graphs as well as add to graphs ourselves. We have also learnt about coordinates on grids and how we can use translation to move shapes.

During English, we started outcome two. We have looked at the example text and explored the language which has been used. We then went on to learn about emotive language. We used some powerful ideas to write amazing sentences. We have also spent time this week on our new author books writing up our refugee narratives using our neatest handwriting.

In our Reading lessons, we explored more of our Firework Makers daughter book and looked at a playscript based on the book.

In Geography, we were transported to Asia to learn that Japan is one of the most active earthquake zones in the world. We studied the Tohoku earthquake as a case study. We also learnt about the tsunami that took place and how people protect themselves from earthquakes.

We also had time to complete the finishing touches to our spring roll evaluations. We made notes about the strengths of our favourite product and the areas for development.

In our RE lessons this week, we focused on learning about Sikh faith. We learnt about the features of a Gurdwara as well as their worship. We again considered the similarities between Sikh faith and other world faiths. We also spent time to complete our questful map for this unit.

In our computing media unit, we learnt about recolouring. We focused on the effects that recolouring images has. We thought about the impact that different effects had and used our 'BeFunky' app to change the colours of four different images. We created images for different briefs like 'A place of pixies and magic'.

During our History unit, we explored the remains of Fu Hao's tomb. We learnt about what was found in the archeological dig and made a prediction about who the tomb belonged to. We were really interested to find out that it belong to a woman. We learnt that Fu Hao was one of Wu Dings wives, who was a successful military leader, priestess and politician. We thought about what this told us about life in the Shang Dynasty.

We enjoyed our wellbeing time this week thinking about what we would like Miss Pennance to know about us ready for Year 5.

In Art, we have loved adding more details to our food sculptures this week. They are almost complete and looking so realistic!

Spagtastic homework has been set for this week.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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