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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News 27.9.24

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In English, we began the week gathering our planning ideas for our setting narrative. We completed a group role play task and collected our favourite noun phrases to help lead us towards planning our own ideas. We then considered the personification, similes and speech which would work well in our writing. We have then been wonderful writers. It was great to apply all the skills we have learnt in the last couple of weeks within our first two paragraphs of our extended writing pieces. Before writing each paragraph, we have planned our ideas. We used our writer's toolkit to include fronted adverbials, speech, similes and expanded noun phrases amongst others.

As Mathematicians, our estimation skills have improved this week to estimate 4 digit numbers on various number lines. We then went on to compare and order numbers to 10,000. We used place value grids to compare the values of our digits and learnt to write numbers in ascending and descending order. We then moved on to learn about rounding. We have continued to learn about what multiples of 1000 and 100our numbers are between to help us to create numberlines. Once we have drawn our numberlines we have then shown half way. If numbers are below half way, we know to round down and if numbers are higher, we know to round up. We have also learnt about the deciding numbers when rounding in different ways.

In Reading, we have looked at the features of a non fiction text and in doing so, we decided how these features help the reader. We have also enjoyed some time reading our challenge books.

In Computing, our time was devoted to looking at the World Wide Web. We enjoyed spending time browsing three websites to learn about the differences between a website and a webpage.

In PE, we have continued our dance unit this week using poetry as our inspiration. We discussed the poem A Norse Lad by Oscar H. Roesner. We discussed the verbs and nouns in the poem and how we can use them to inspire our dance and we made some edits to the poem to make it personal to us if we wanted.

Glockenspiels continued to be our focus for this week. We built on our previously learning in music. We played notes F and G on our glockenspiels. We then played notes A and B too. Putting these notes together, we had a big challenge on our hands! We discovered the tempo was very fast! Adding in those extra notes really made us see how hard our focus needed to be. The tempo was reduced to 50% but it was still tricky for us to play in unison. We will continue to play together and hopefully by the end of this half-term, we will achieve this.

History this week involved playdough! We learnt about Danelaw. Using maps of England, we showed what England looked like when the Anglo-Saxons had their settlements, before the Viking invaded, and what this became after the Wedmore treaty gave land to the Vikings as part of Danelaw. This learning today helped us to answer the question: Were the Vikings successful?

In our forest school session this week, we continued our field study and explored the different vertebrates living with our school grounds. We then looked again at vertebrates and how we can group them in different ways. We impressed Mrs Morris and Mr Hadfield with our knowledge of Mrs Gren from our first lesson. We then went on to talk about branching databases which we will continue to learn about. We ended our Forest School session by building Viking shelters. We carefully considered what the Vikings would need. 

Our class worship has been a very important part of our week. We have written our own worship based on CDATs vision. It was based on the quote from John chapter 10 verse 10 'life in all its fullness'. We focused on how we can fill our buckets with positive things to help us live life to the full. We hope that those of you who were able to come enjoyed hearing our worship. The children delivered there message amazingly and everyone should be very proud of themselves. You certainly made me feel proud!

In Art this week, we completed our artist pages on Shaheen Ahmed. We were really interested in how she used geometric patterns, calligraphy and her interest in book binding to create her patterned art work.

The objective of our PE lesson this week was to produce a 16-32 count routine using canon formation and others with a big focus on team work.

Maths.co.uk homework has been set for this week.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Morris and Mrs Pointon

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