In English, our writing time has been devoted to planning our own myth narrative. We have enjoyed using images from the story Arthur and the golden rope story, to understand the different stages of the story. We have then carefully constructed a plan for each paragraph considering the writer's knowledge we would use.
In Maths, we were able to celebrate a class achievement of winning the TT Rockstars trophy for the second week running! Keep up all your hard work at home. Our learning in class has focused on division. One of the skills we have been developing is to use our division facts to help us divide two digit numbers. We have focused on division. We have learnt about ways to divide using base ten. We learnt about how it is important to find multiples of what we are dividing by within the number before we can attempt to divide. For example, 56 divide by 4 would be 40 divide by 4 and 16 divide by 4. We went on to use part whole models to partition and then divide our number. We completed a fluency lesson on developing these skills.
We have also completed our quizzes this week.
As Geographers, we used our skills from last lesson to identify capital cities in both North and South America. We were then able to transfer this knowledge onto a blank map.
We were excited to create a range of different shaped frame structures in DT this week. In pairs, we used cocktail sticks and play dough to create various arrangement of 3d structures. The classroom was very busy, and the discussions afterwards looked at how we approached the task and what difficulties we encountered.
In our RE lesson this week, we have learnt about the story of David and Jonathan's unlikely friendship (Samuel: 1). We thought about the important qualities within friendship. We even wrote our own friendship job descriptions.
In our Brass lesson, we learnt about the features of our musical instruments. We were shown how we are able to make a noise using our instruments. We were thrilled to be given our instruments and the opportunity to practice!
In our Netball lesson this week, we have learnt about intercepting as well as the importance of making successful passes and following the ball. Our skills are coming on already!
In our Dodgeball lesson this week, year 4 have worked on their catching skills. They challenged each other by using their over arm powerful throws to deliver a ball to their partner. They realised the need to be quick on their feet, bend their knees when crouching low and keeping their eyes on the ball.In the game, they had to show the ability to make quick decisions on whether to try and catch or dodge the balls because the consequences of dropping an attempted catch are being sent out of the game.To keep their focus on catching, we changed the rules of the game slightly to encourage children to take a risk and catch rather than always dodging.
Our Art lesson started with a sculpture I had made using a plinth. I placed the sculpture in the middle of the floor, and asked the children to imagine they were now only 15 cms or so tall, and were in a gallery space, when they come upon this sculpture. I asked them to think about how they would react? How it made them feel? And how their feelings might be reflected in their poses? Children were then given a small piece of clay, and a board to work on, and with just fingers and hands, asked to create small, figurative clay sketches to build a crowd of people in the gallery space. We really enjoyed being free to create our sculpture and not worrying about the end result. The children knew these were only temporary and not something to keep.
Our focus for Heartsmart this week was on ways we can show love to others. We thought about whether it was nicer to give or to receive.We thought about how it makes us feel when we give something to others. We focused on how giving does not need to be linked to buying anything but sharing our time, a smile or simply attention. Love your neighbour as yourself. Mark 12:31
In Computing this week, we have been working on completing our work from Autumn term. We had previously planned our podcast and this week we spent time to create our recordings. Next week, we will finish them off. homework has been set for this week. Please keep playing TT Rockstars because we love having the trophy in Y4!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Morris and Mrs Pointon
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