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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News 21.6.24

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At the start of this week, we explored quadrilaterals. We can now classify quadrilaterals as regular or irregular. We also learnt that a square is a regular quadrilaterals and is part of the rhombus family. We then went on to learn about polygons. We found regular and irregular shapes. We have also learnt about finding lines of symmetry as well as how we can complete symmetrical shapes.

It was lovely to see everyone finalise their journey story this week. We worked hard to include our features and describe the journey taken, with description and speech. We made sure to spend time carefully editing our work. We also spent time consolidating our knowledge of spag and completed our end of term assessment for this.

In Spellings, we are learning the different rules to correctly add the -ssion suffix to root words.

In our history lessons this week, we explored artefacts from the Shang Dynasty. We looked at pictures of different things that were found and made predictions about what they could have been and what they would have been used for. We then learnt about the items and their uses. At the end of the lesson, we focused on what this told us about life in the Shang Dynasty.

During science this week, we finished off our write up for our experiment. We considered the method we would use to conduct it.

In our Art lesson this week, we became sculptures. We have started our food sculptures using lots of wonderful resources. We just experimented and had a brilliant afternoon. We are so impressed with how they look so far!

During French this week, we learnt how to say words in our classroom. We can now say chair, door, window, lights, book and computer in French!

As part of our HeartSmart lesson this week, we focused on whether habits help or hinder us to achieve our goals. We thought about goals we want to achieve and how we are going to nurture some of our good habits to ensure we achieve this and adapt some of our other habits. 'So let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way.' Hebrews 12:1

Computing this week built on our knowledge of coding. Previously, in Year 4, we had used turtle academy to create codes. This lesson focused on using Scratch and coding blocks. We used the same codes from turtle academy to make blocks of code in scratch to make shapes. We used repetition blocks to help us with this.

Our RE lesson this week continued to focus on how world faiths worship. We learnt about Hindu faith this week and how they prayer in temples and mandirs. We learnt about the key parts of their religious ceremonies as well as about the places of worship themselves. Again, this allowed us to make many links across the different faiths we have explored.

In Geography, we have developed our knowledge of volcanoes by finding out how they are formed, we can talk about the difference between lava and magma, and we learnt all about a case study. Lastly, we thought about why people live by volcanoes.

We have also completed our Spring roll evaluations in Design Technology. We shaded in a visual representation of our scores and enjoyed comparing how we rated each spring roll.

In PE, we were introduced to the pull shot. This is an attacking shot. We practiced this by ensuring that the bowlers delivered the shot quite high and outside of the batter's body to give the batter a chance to step back and swing the bat and swivel on their backward foot. We were then introduced to dynamo cricket and we split off into two separate games and support was given to those who felt less confident.

Maths.co.uk homework has been set for this week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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