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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News 17.5.24

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We began our week planning our persuasive letter to the witch. This was in 4 paragraphs, and we used our writer's knowledge to ensure we added persuasive language and rhetorical questions, amongst other features. Wehave then written our persuasive letters to the witch attempting to convince her to give the endings back. We have enjoyed showcasing persuasive language, use of conjunctions, contractions, fronted adverbials and plural possessive apostrophes. We have worked hard to carefully check our work.

In Maths, we extended our key fact knowledge of decimals to know 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 as decimals. We used hundredth grids as one strategy to prove the relationship between fractions and decimals. We have moved on to learn about money. We have learnt how to write money using decimals, as pounds and pence, compare money and estimate with money. We have had the money out for us to see and use as well as using place value grids and numberlines.

We have taken the time to read individually this week.

In Wellbeing, we used the open ended starter 'I am...' and we looked at the possibility of using yoga as a way to relax our body and mind.

We introduced our enquiry question How do volcanoes and earthquake affect people and the environment? in Geography this week. We can now describe how the layers of the earth are different and know the Earth's crust is split into tectonic plates. We enjoyed creating a model of the earth's plate lines, and labelled the plates that were moving away or towards one another. We are excited to learn more about volcanoes and earthquakes next week.

RE this week was focused on comparing churches throughout different Christian denominations. We have researched and learnt about Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and Anglican churches. We explored the similarities and differences between these churches. We have also completed our first questful map for this half term. We used our computing time to research our RE learning this week.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we listened to the story of Boris the robot. We heard about how he used to live with the scrapman who would say unkind things to him. He then lived with a family who showed him how much they loved him. Our lesson was focused on 'voice of love'. We reflected on how voices in our lives make us feel. 'What you say can mean life of death. Those who speak with care will be rewarded.' Proverbs 18:21.

In our Art lesson this week, we completed our artist reflection pages on Claes Oldenburg. We then went on to explore the work of Lucio Herro. We thought about what we liked about her work as well as what we didn't. We watched videos of her galleries and her talking about her work. We created another partial artist reflection page in our Art books. We then went on to explore some more drawing activities. This time, we watched a video which we paused and drew what we could see. We use a timer to limit our drawings.

In our Science lesson this week, we completed our lesson on animals diets. We learnt about how different animals digest their food and compared this to the human digestive system. We enjoyed looking at scientific of different digestive systems and comparing their functions.

History helped us to explore different sources this week. We thought about the different sources we know and how reliable they are. We then explored some resources to see what we could learn from them about Shang gods and kings. We spent time to discuss the reliability of sources. We found the story a particularly interesting source to discuss. Using iPads, we then researched more about Shang gods and kings. We ended our lesson by discussing what we had learnt and comparing the reliability of our sources.

Maths.co.uk homework has been set for this week.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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