This week in our Writing lessons, we learnt that we would be writing a news report based on a sighting of a marine animal. We started by exploring the vocabulary in our example text and showcasing this in our own sentences. We have also explored the formal language used within a newspaper report and used these sentence openers and key phrases to write our own sentences. Then, we read news articles online and gathered ideas we could use in our own writing. We have learnt about taking eye witness quote and understanding how to write these in our work. Today, we have spent time to research our own marine animal facts – we could choose from an octopus, orca, great white shark or narwhal. In our teams, we gathered lots of interesting facts ready to use in our writing.
In our Reading time, we have moved onto another non-fiction text – 100 facts about Vikings. We looked at the key features of a non-fiction text to help us retrieve key information. We have been able to answer questions about Viking homes, how the Vikings settled in countries and about the use of boats.
Our Maths this week has moved on to learning about addition and subtraction. On Monday, we completed our previous end of unit assessment to recognise what we had learnt. We then moved on to our new learning – exploring the vocabulary and visuals we would use throughout this unit. We have then learnt how to add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. We used place value grids to understand this. We have then learnt about using column method to add two four-digit numbers with and without an exchange.
Incorporating our reading comprehension task was our first focus for forest school session this week. Our question was 'What is a Viking longhouse like?' We started by reading a page from our book and looking at a range of pictures. We then went outside to make our own longhouse as a class. We added areas for our animals, beds, a central fire and some area for games and food preparation. We worked amazingly well as a team to create our home adding our own features and ideas as we went. We were able to end our session by enjoying toasting marshmallows over our house fire!
In our French lessons this week, we have learnt how to say the names for different pets. We look forward to learning more next week!
During our History lesson this week, we started to learn about the Battle of Stamford Bridge. We started by revisiting our key question: 'Were the Viking successful?' and we discussed everything we know so far. We then went on to learn the key events leading up to the battle.
In Wellbeing this week, we focused on what makes us smile.
In PE this week, we completed and performed the dances to the poem that we started last week. We were looking for children using canon formation amongst others, plus different pathways and levels.
Science this week gave us time to reflect on all of the living things that we had found around our school grounds.
In our RE lesson, we spent more time to learn about what Jewish people do as part of Shabbat. We learnt what things were ok to do and what you were not expected to do during this time. We watched a fantastic video of this being explained to us by a young boy who takes part in Shabbat every week. We then went on to think about how Jesus' teachings had impacted impacted history. Linking to our Black History Month focus, we have started to research the lives of Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. We will continue this next week.
For HeartSmart this week, we have focused on how we keep our minds healthy. We thought about the things that negatively and positively affect our mental health. It is important to be able to recognise these so we understand what impacts our mental health and wellbeing. We thought really carefully about this and thought of many great ideas. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Philippians 4:8.
In our Art lesson this week, we have learnt to make our own tessellated template to make a repeated pattern. We worked hard to create these and create work in our books.
We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our Harvest service this week. Everyone shone as part of the service and we loved being able to share this with so many adults! Thank you for coming. homework has been set for this week.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Morris and Mrs Pointon
01270 841302
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Bridge Street