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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 8.3.24

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In English, we began the week with a research task. Using a selection of webpages, we noted down key facts about our chosen mythological characters. Our creative ideas were in full flow when we began to think about how we will summon and trap the creature. In our other writing lessons this week, we have been continuing to understand the model text. On Tuesday, we learnt about the use of formal and informal language within the text. Using a matching game, we sorted statements into formal and informal language. We then learnt about how we can use formal phrases within our writing. Applying this knowledge alongside our knowledge of technical language and expanded phrases, we wrote some informed sentences. We really carefully thought about the construction of these. On Wednesday, we explored the writers knowledge within the text. We focused on finding examples of year 4 writing skills – including fronted adverbials, possessive apostrophes, alternative nouns and pronouns, technical language and so much more! On Thursday, we came in to a range of artefacts displayed in the classroom. We quickly realised that all of these items could be used to defeat a monster. We spent some time acting our what this would look like and then wrote a paragraph about this after I modelled it to the class. On the last day of the week, we planned our own information text based on our monster.

Our spelling focus has been to look at the prefix il. Add il changes the root word to have the opposite meaning, for example, legal changes to illegal. We have also had time to read our big cat books.

In Maths, we have excelled in the way we are using our fraction knowledge to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers. We can also draw diagrams to explain how both types of representations link. We have then learnt about equivalent fractions. We learnt about using fraction walls as well as our knowledge of multiples to work out equivalent fractions.

As Scientists, we have learnt all about switches in electrical circuits. We added a switch into a circuit show how it can stop the flow of electricity. We also added a homemade switch into a circuit. It was interesting to apply our knowledge of conductors and insulators when we described how the homemade switches work.

In our DT lessons this week, we completed our purses adding final embellishments. We then reviewed our work and reflected on whether our purses were fit for purpose through our final evaluation. We hope you have engaged seeing the purses at home.

In our music lesson today, we continued to learn how to play different notes. We learnt how to play a new note G. We were told how we remember rhythms to remember strings of notes. We played 'We will rock you', and a new song using the notes C, F, C, G, C.

In our RE lesson this week, we completed our questful maps – having the opportunity to answer our final questions linked to our David and the Psalms unit. We reflected on how Christians believe the psalms describe God and thought about what images we would use to describe God. We then started our new unit. This unit is focusing on truth and betrayal in the Easter story. To start our lesson, we played a game of trust. We spoke about what trust is and who we trust. We spoke about whether or not we can trust people who we don't know. We thought about our upcoming visit to PGL. We have to trust our leaders to keep us safe and help us to have fun. We then reflected on what betrayal is. We thought about stories in the bible which involve both trust and betrayal and we were led straight to the Easter story.

As part of world book day, we took part in some amazing book based activities including an emoji quiz, a wonderful virtual author workshop – which was kindly paid for by the PTA – and even a book based orienteering task. We loved seeing your amazing costumes – thank you to everyone involved is sorting these.

In our PE lesson with James, we have enjoyed learning hockey skills.

In computing this week, we learnt about using repetitive loops to create a 'wallpaper' design on our coding app. We have really enjoyed learning all of the skills for coding and this lesson allowed us to put everything that we had learnt into practise.

In our History lesson this week, we have answered the question, 'How did the Tudor reformation impact History?' We have learnt about the dissolution of the monasteries. We learnt about why Henry VIII changed the churches by becoming Supreme Head. At the end of our learning, we wrote letters as though we were a monk explaining what has happened during the reformation.

In PSHE, we have thought about forgiveness. We thought about forgiveness being an action rather than a feeling. We talked about how it takes bravery to forgive. We thought about times we have forgiven someone and why this is important. Our wellbeing focus this week was on thinking about how we feel whilst experiencing different emotions.

I have not set any homework for this week as PGL is taking up some of the week. Instead, I please ask that you catch up on anything which is missing.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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